Wednesday, November 01, 2006 my middle name..blah
I noticed dat i am person who must divert my attention elsewhere to prevent myself from thinking too much about myself n get bored or depressed. Preferably i like to call myself who always looks for new things to try and new hobby to take up. When i had bf n gf, i din need to look for a hobby, as most of my attention has ben diverted to that particular person (it is in my nature, that's why i make a great gf *wink wink* hahaha). But since i've become single, i had too much attention to myself n i just found my new obsessions.I never liked any band or worship any bands last time because i dunno why. But since im single, im growing insane for Jamiroquai. I like the band for quite sum time already, but never obsess about them. My obsession is sumthing like mich's obsession towards matthew but not that extreme lah. It's freaky to me sumtime.
Secong thing that i obsess most at the moment is my snow cap. I lurve it so much, n i bought it just to prove my loyalty to Jamiroquai, coz Jay kay likes to wear em too! hehehe

there! myself with the hat...
My third obsession at the moment is(is or are?) classical books...i dunno why but im crazy over classical books, by D.H Warren, Oscar wilde, Jane Austen n what not...pretty lame but it's cheap n fun to read! seriously! it saves ur money, n rite now im searching for To kill The Mockingbird. Still searching...
The fourth obsession is myself...when im single i think a lot like how i used to when i was single. When i have sum1 it's hard to think of what i hate n what i like, how the world goes round and other millions of things. I love to sit down n think. I think (there i go again) im like Ally macbeal or sumthing...i think of the wierdiest things n my imgination goes wild. When i am single, i am more sensitive and observant to things or people around me. I would observe people around me n think deeply about it. The feelings are totally superb, u'll get so absorbed into urself even noises and distraction will be pushed out. Im in another state of conciouness. hehe overreacing lah..Tak seserius itu..
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