Thursday, September 11, 2008

Let's put on a fake smile and enjoy a cup of tea with each other!

"All the world's as stage, and all the men and women merely players".

Out of all the ingenious words uttered and written by Shakespeare, this particular line has captured the world and remained as the most popular quote due to its veracity.

Many of us would not like to admit that we are real life actors and actresses who put on different masks each day to each different people. We pretend to be somebody who "we" are not for abundance of reasons. Do you remember the time that you sneaked out of the house and pretended to be such an innocent angel the next time you saw your parents? Or the time that you pretended to be friendly to your next cubicle colleague despite the fact how much you abhor his personality? Or probably the time you pretended to fast or be vegetarian so that you could get along with your current peers?

Everybody pretends! So why the negative air about it?

The word pretence seems to resonate a feeling of digust from many people and its often being tied to the adjective "faker". Everybody is in the chase for "real-ness" or in fact to anything that is close to reality , and that is why many despise people who posses this characteristic.

But many have forgotten that its impossible to remain one dimensional in this multi dimensional world. One would have to deceive and be deceived.

If everyone hates pretences, then we shall not forget that the pretenders too may not fully enjoy his pretences as well. Many pretend just because they fall victim to social pressures- to gain acceptance and warmth. Many yearns for the loving embrace of society and that phenomena can be explained as simple human nature or in fact a nature of every animals in the kingdom. Hence the famous proverbial; No man is an island.

All the characteristics of people are akin to all the flavours that colour this world. Some are spicy and some are sweet, some can even be spicy and sweet. One must come ready with a myriad of tastebuds to fully soak in the wonders of the flavours. The same concept applies in real life where a person must come with multiple personalities to peacefully co-exist with its fellow inhabitants.

Could one truly define one's true personality? As my fellow good friend SarahC reinstated that, each one of us are like the tabula rasa. We started into this journey of life as a blank slate. "And upon life, layers of our own experiences ,build up of others' influences; we become who we are today.Individuals who consist of a mix of existing elements which definite combination makes us uniquely; ourselves."

Being the creature that forever learns from our own personal experiences and absorbs teachings from others, we continously evolve into a different creature each day. No man can be the same man that he was yesterday. Each minute we breathe, learn, spectate and feel, we have added new thoughts that would forever change us little by little.

So, could we fully pretend when we have no fixed personality?


Blogger Juney-ling said...

I think that it shouldn't be coined "pretense". Rather the more suitable word or term to use would be "role-playing", don't you agree, Zeph? We have so many different facades to our personalities only because we play different roles in our lives. We are daughter, sister, girlfriend, friend, student, etc... We each have multiple roles to play in life, which is why we have so many sides to our personality.

12:42 AM 

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