Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Jesus hates me.

The middle Easterns, Indian, Red Indians, and Chinese have one thing in common- they all believe in the existence of the Evil Eye.

Evil Eye is the source of evil and it brings bad luck in many forms to the victim. For example, the Turks or Persians believe that you should always be modest and humble whenever good fortunes come your way. Once another person senses your good fortunes, and when he or she looks at you with the eyes of envy and bad intentions, this will in return provoke the evil eyes, and calamities shall befall on you.

The Chinese and the Indians have many other "myths" regarding this but it all boils down to the same thing, which is bad luck.

Therefore we always keep the "good eye" pendant with us, or carry a charm to shield ourselves from these things- but is it for real? If we parallel this concept with the "Law of Attraction", it will make sense.

We make ourselves believe in this old folk tale that our ancestors used to tell us, and ingrain them into our mind. Once we believe such things, we open doors for those supernatural phenomenas to happen to us.

We are actually attracting all the bad luck because we believe in them and we always relate all our "coincidental" bad incidents to the idea of theEvil Eye.

But what if even a non-believer of the evil eye, experiences much calamities after each time she boasts or shows off her good fortune indirectly to a less fortunate person and thus have him looked at her with the eyes of envy?

Could it be mere coincidental ( please do note that she repeatedly suffered so much of stress and anxiety from these unfortunate events) or could it really be one of the forces or energy that do exist in this world?

Or Could it just be a mere theory that our ancestors created to make more sense of the nature of the world or is it REALLY for real?

Anyways I'm writing this because it seems like I've been plagued by the evil eye. I have been experiencing so much of bad luck in a short span of time and it seems so supernatural.

List of unfortunate events:
1) My room came down on me. Not literally but every thing imaginable is broken in my room. My air-cond, my lock, my lights, my toilet, my bed, and there is a hole in the ceiling which drips water onto my bed.

2)Moreover, my car went crazy too.

3) Drove the mini, and the window cracked. A rock flew out of nowhere and landed itself on the windshield.

4) The day after that, I lost my phone.

5)Then I lost my cam.

6)and today, my car broke down in the middle of the night. Thank god Amir was with me and that was how the evil eye dawned on me

He told me about the idea of Evil eye and it made sense. Today, I went to his house and hung out with his roommate and him. His roommate's gf canceled on him on X'mas because she doesn't want to see him. I was acting all lovey dovey with Amir and Amir asked me to stop when he saw the way his roommate looked at him.

After that, we went out and the car broke down.

Even before that, I drove the mini to his house and his roommate made such a big deal out of it. Right after that, a rock flew out of nowhere and caused a crack in my windshield.

I said these incidents could be coincidental but Amir told me that it has happened to him so many times when he boasted to other people about his good fortune.

Yet again, he believed in it and he attracted all these bad events. Or maybe it really does exist and that's how it came to existence.

Its like the chicken and the egg story.


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