Friday, December 26, 2008

Mood Swings

I swear I hate being a girl sometimes. I don't know if its my craziness, my hormones or chemical imbalances in my brain, but I have been having serious bouts of mood swings! I'll be crying one time and then getting angry the next. It bothers me so much early in the morning when it strikes the worst.

Poor Amir. He has been sooo patient. any idea on how to overcome hormonal mood swings?

Friday, December 05, 2008

Fairness and all.

I met a bunch of audacious bachelors whom I've known through Amir. They hold one principle close to their heart and its simply- "Life is unfair so we have to be selfish".

For these boys, life is by nature unfair and therefore they would have to take charge of our life which is by being selfish. Its undeniable that each one of us are inherently selfish one way or another, but these boys gave selfish a whole new level of meaning.

Mainly they apply this brotherhood motto mostly in their relationships. Regadless of how faithful and sweet their girlfriends are, they still believe that they need to cheat. They believe that cheating is part of being a man and that it lets them grow as an individual.

All of you must understand that these escapades of theirs are not done sparingly but mostly done if given any opportunity. 

In my point of view, young men are always fiery and experimental. Besides, men just have higher tendency to wander around and stick their beak into unknown territory. I understand their  condition but I entirely disagree on their simple or perharps reckless assumption of life which is "Life is unfair".

These men are born and bred in a wealthy Persian family. They are gifted the chance to make choices in life and are also privileged to make mistakes in their life as much as they want, and yet they find life unfair. This is the most puzzling part to me.

One thing that I would like to clarify is that I am not enraged by their principle and that I am not aiming to criticize their actions. I am just puzzled by the term unfair.

It just dawned to me that I have never once heard myself complained that life is unfair. There have been few occassions where I have been taken for granted, but I have never felt like life is unfair. This is not surprising in my case as I have a good family who support me, the chance to choose any school I like to attend, eat whatever I want and etc.

So would anybody please enlighten me on how life could be unfair? How do you define justice?

If you were born in a condition that you don't desire, it doesn't necessarily mean life is mistreating you. It could just be probability that you were born in Malaysia when you wished to be born in America. Or perharps it could be destiny that decides your fate. If you believe in the latter then its safe to assume that you believe in a higher power. If that's the case, do u believe that this higher power that you believe in is unfair and unjust? 

Justice is such a subjective and personal concept. What is seem fair to you may be seemed as unjust to me. Just because things does not go as we wished, can we easily blame life to be unfair?

Please open up my eyes.