Thursday, February 01, 2007
I wonder, how does it feel to actually date a younger teenage boy? I mean I cant say, how does it feel to date a younger man, when the male species im talking about is only a year junior than I am?...
So whats the right word for that person? a younger boy? nah sounds like a pedophilia...mayb the right word, a younger guy...That's it! Perfecto.
Allright back to the story how does it feel to date a younger guy? ashamed since he's younger than u r and u dont want to show him to the crowd? Then he becomes ur secret dark lover! sounds mysterious! *meoww*
Maybe it would totally be an eye opening experience.
But u know what i think? i think its an ego-stroke...definitely! *wink wink* Apart from that, it would definitely be a win win situation for a light, humorous, and fun kind of relationship;
you know, where we dont get mushy mushy and saying "i love u" and "i love u too" isnt that important anymore. But it is more of an ego stroke, esp for the females.
Meanwhile for the guy, the female would be his prized possession. The girlfren, older, wiser, richer would definitely be his trophy girlfren, and he will never see his friends without taking his trophy along. Just like those wrestlers u see on tv, who will never forget to bring his big-ass gold champion belt (which is the size of my freaking TORSO) out, whenever he has a match.
It does good to ur confidence...
The female will feel proud, driving him around when he cant drive, so will the female feel superior when she can teach him addmaths when he is clueless about it. I love that dominant feeling. I am, as many people call it Bossy. A bossy bossy proud female. hehehe
On the other hand, the male (who will take advantage of this situation), will feel totally different. It mayb be wierd in the beginning, but if the guy is bold or smart enough, he will fit just right into the puzzle and create a great chemistry between male and female.
Most of u will be wondering, what the hell is this zefer talking about, but think about it for a second. Women are always the one, gets pampering and sweet talked to. It makes u feel mushy and helpless. On the contrary, guys will feel satisfied from winning ur heart and he'll get the ego boost. "I just got a girl man, and she's totally head over heels for me"...he afterall will feel more dominant on the relationship. While we girls get dreamy and soft. Not a thing i like to feel...
Lets flip this situation where females get to taste the feeling of being the stronger one in the relationship. Instead of feeling soft and helpless, we feel overpowering, stronger and more confident. We're not scared of losing the relationship, or wrecking it, coz we control where it goes, doesnt matter whether it's uphill or downhill. U give the call and u steer it's destination. After the relationship, u'll know how much u worth and how much of control u have over ur life.
This in return, will prepare the women for the next relationship, where u wont be taken advantage of and know how to give and take;instead of of giving, and giving and giving untill u have nothing to give anymore.
Maybe some women are already the more domineering one in the relationship, but sometimes it is the male. Sometimes, both of lovebirds wear the pants.
I dont know about how guys feel when thier girlfren is hotter and older, but usually i got told that men, likes thier girlfriends to be older, as they are less dependent and has other worldly issues to think about apart from them. U see, guys also like thier space, but funny enough i've seen needy guys! Thats is totally a wierd case...
The best couple to justify this fact is Demi moore and Ashton Kutcher. Kutcher is proud to have a hot mama, who earns more than he does, older, independent and so much successful than he is. A guy who is not egoistic will not feel intimidated, but instead he feels like has just found the "goldmine". Demi on the other side, loves having a younger boy, where there wont be much hassle, giving and taking is easier to decide and she loves controlling the steering wheel.

Ashton 27, and Demi 42 they legally wedded.
Apart from that, there is David and Victoria Beckham...somehow it has been obvious to me how Victoria actually takes a lead in this relationship, from her photos and her actions. The way how she plays with David's head during and interview was already a tell-tale sign. Hehehe
Wait...after i've seen the pics again and i could be wrong. They look like they share the pants in the relationship. i talk like im some kind psychologist...mayb i am a psycologist just without the -logist...and u know what, i actually did a research on them and i was mistaken. They are actually of the same age currently 31 this year. *cursing at blogger*....i cant upload thier photos! stupid!
So anyways, wanna try younger guys ladies!? MUAHAHAHA...
I know i have one in mind!
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