Wednesday, October 18, 2006

i believe...

People…I just came up with a theory after much thinking about the people around me. So the theory is; there are two kinds of people in this world. There are the ones that attract happiness and there are the ones that won’t be happy till the end of their lives.

I just watched Oprah and they were talking about this one lady who has been shot in the head but survived. It’s tragic but she survived and she seems very very happy. After that show, I believed, if you want to be happy, you do have the choice to make yourself happy. Nothing in this world can stop you from having the rights to make yourself feel happy. Besides, you can find happiness everywhere, but it’s up to you to open up your eyes in different perspective to find happiness.

Meanwhile, I know this one person and let’s name this person W. W always complains to me about W’s life. How W’s life is always busy, hectic and full of shit and crap. But when I think about why W feels sad, it was because W look for the problems in W’s life.
W doesn’t think bout his well-being, W doesn’t do what would make he feel happy. I guess W never wants to feel happy but that is ridiculous! Which human being doesn’t want to feel happy rite? I guess W does not look at the happy side of life, but instead locks himself in misery.

Apart from that, I have my relatives as perfect examples. For the rest of their lives, they always whine about how unfortunate and poor they are. They are always surrounded by problems and they are always unhappy. But when I think about it, they never have the initiative to improvise their lives. They are always lazy, living in their ego and think highly of themselves. They turn down job offers, because they think it’s not worth it, but what choice do they have? They prefer to starve than to work.

But in the end they suffer. I wonder why. I hear many of this quotations, it goes like ‘fortune only comes to selected people, but not to people like us’. Let me clarify who are us, us are the people that live in the Bronx and always surrounded with gangsters and bling-bling crap. I hear that line to many times, and I find it stupid. Those are just excuses for people who are defensive and insecure.

I just hope people would broaden up their minds and look at things differently. I mean always think differently, change your principles sometimes and experience different kind of thinking and emotions. Explore the world with your mind…feed your mind with different ideas. It’s like food to your soul. Sorry if it’s too long.


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