Monday, November 27, 2006

Romeo, Romeo, Wherefort art thou romeo?

I'VE JUST DONE MY LITERATURE EXAM! I have overcome my biggest fear. My heart was pumping extra hard today!

I tell you, I finished the whole whole booklet with scribblings of my handwritting. I even finished 5 more extra papers! Dun say im lying ok! i wrote front and back some more okey?!

When i first opened the paper, the first question i saw was Compassion Circuit. This story is some sort like A.I, and the question was the hardest to my point of view. I've never done it before, i mean the stucture of the question was the one i've never done before.

so *zefer starts scribbling rubbish*

Looked at the time, i finished exactly 35 minutes! very proud of myself *pats myself on the back*

Second question: Novel River Between
Question asked: Irony! circumcision.
Wtf? irony?! i never came across irony in this novel before. Lucky thing, i read the last few pages and i saw i wrote there irony!

*zefer starts scribbling like mad till hand hurts and knuckles turn blue*

3rd Question: Drama Romeo & Juliet

*zefer looks at the question, and blinks herself into obvilion.

Gave a text from the book, and asked, did two families get punished as ordered as the prince?
I blink summore and it hit my head. It was the last few lines in the book, when everybody died! Sedih talked about death as punishment not from prince but from fate

so *zefer starts scribbling as her handwritting got even messier and cakar ayam*

4th question: We are seven
asking about the different view of death of a child and an adult.

So i have done this before.

So *zefer scribbles into madness*

I tell you, the question was not exactly how i expected it to be, but it was okay. My presentation was bad for romeo and juliet! First comes, Juliet, then Romeo then Mercutio(owh i love that guy)
then Romeo, Paris then Juliet! i tell you...terrible!

BUT! IM SO HAPPY I MADE IT THROUGH THE PAPER! and i miss my lite tuition friends. I straight away called them! They were DUDE! (**&^&*^&(&* (shouting and screaming)

Never felt this kind of joy! LoL~!


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