Tuesday, March 06, 2007
part two...better read this thorougly, took me hours to finish.
Like any other lazy blogger in the world...i shall just post pictures and captions to complete my part 2 of india! muahahah....it's less time consuming for both the readers and the blogger...so its a win win situation!
After i got back from Kashmir, we took a bus to Jaipur known as the Pink City. U wanna know why its called the Pink City? coz every building in that town is in PINK! I think May Zhee would love that city since its pink, so i suggest she should live in Jaipur and marries a retarded Indian and have psycho semi white semi black children. MUAHAHAHAHA I'm feeling very evil today.
I visited a place called The Amber fort. A fort is basically a building used for defence. In that fort, the king lives there. It's ok, but not so much of fun so here are the PICTURES!
Then, the last day in Jaipur we visited the sundials museum! So far in Jaipur, that was my most favourite place, coz everything was intriguing there. They taught us how to look at the time old fashion way, using SHADOWS! haha and of boy the clock was huge! The biggest in the world too one of them.
After Jaipur we took a bus again to Agra! Agra has something special because, it has TAJ MAHAL! But we wont go there just yet.
The first day we got to Agra we visited a mosque, but for goodness sake, i forgot what its called. Wait i know it now, its called Fatehphur Sikri and it was built by one of the Mughol king called Akhbar. Akhbar (muslim), married a Hindu, Christian and a Muslim. Somehow, all of the wives couldnt repocreate, so he prayed hard to god for a child and he had a son called Jahangir.
He built these monument for his son. It was even said that, if u throw flowers on his tomb, tie a ribbon on the gate and make a wish it would 100% come true. Unbelievable...
Here is the good part, the next day we went to Taj Mahal! The Taj Mahal is just so breath taking!..Everything is made out of white marble, and every carving or every designs on the wall were made out of semi precious stones. Nothing less, but could be more, possibly some out of gold and diamond.
The day after, we made our journey to Delhi for shopping and sight seeing. We went to alot of monuments, temple and mosque. Too many to put it up here...but i'll just post it...
This is the Jamma mosque, we had lots of complication to get there. We got there by india tut tut...its was fun and wild.
On that day itself, after looking at the mosque we had quick shopping, headed for dinner, then to airport and reached Malaysia the next day at 12pm...*sobs*
I am India bound.
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