Wednesday, March 07, 2007
stim giler...
When the most reactive substance of metal comes across water, chemical reaction will take place, resulting in explosion, fire and smoke.Thats what we are and that is what we get when we come together.
Sometimes, in a chemical reaction unpredictability comes forth, creating much surprise and exhilaration.
Thats what we get, when we come together.
Like acid and metal we are, totally two different substance, however when put together we unite and create MAYHEM AND CHAOS!
Thats who we are.
Thats me.
As i quote 'him' " there is never a day when I am with Zephyr, there will be no laughter or something to laugh about"
I replied "when you're with me, u'll do all the unthinkable."
He then said " No, no, no, only when we come together, we'll do the unthinkable."
Thats why i say, we're like two different substance, but when joined together, we create chemical reaction with disastrous effect.
It all started with one day (which was yesterday), during an evening, after filling up my precious bean bag (that took most of my stupid pocket money), i realised that i didnt have enough beads or beans, whatever it is called to fill up the bean bag and make it comfy.
So i messaged Yeong Ren in Msn saying that i should have bought 10 sets of beads instead of 5 when i was with him the day before in jusco.
So we were just talking and i was updating my blog, when i told him i want to get more beads soon. i asked wanna come?
He said he cant come, coz he has been going out too often. But then he said, he felt like reading magazines. So i told him, when im on the way to jusco i'll drop by ur house to pass u readers and times. He said ok and i got ready to go to jusco.
As i reached his shop to pass the mags, we talked and i played with Abi, until i asked him again, "u sure u wouldnt want to come? Just for awhile oni, to get the beads and we come back"
"I dont feel like working aso lah, so okaylah i follow u to jusco.
On the way to jusco itself i was feeling hungry and had a yearning for fish & chips. I knew this would never be a short outing.
I kept asking Yeong Ren, where to eat, where to eat and we eventually came up with an idea to eat at Tgif.
Mana tau when we got there, we put ourselves up to a challenge and the challenge was,
If either one of us cant finished up our meal, one of us would have to pay for the bill. Fuiyoo, that was when the excitement began.
First course: Appetizers.
Me: Mushrooms
Yeong Ren: Buffalow wings (i made him choose that because i know it is harder to finish, beside it was salty too).
Everything was fine, after finishing up the appetizers, we still felt hungry.
Then came the main course.
Me: Fish&chips
Yeong Ren: Pasta with sauteed fish.
This was when the real fun took place. I annoyed Yeong Ren like crazy! I tried to take his picture secretly, sweet mouthed him telling him that he was such a sweet boy and always a sweetie to me. Then i tried making him believe that the fish was too much for him and the cream sauce is really creamy. I even made puking sound to trigger his puking sensation. BUT TO NO AVAIL!
But i know he was really suffering. In the end he finished his food first. DAMN!
The best part was when, he was trying to eat the tomatoes. He hated tomato but part of the challenge was to finish everything there is on the plate.
I had fun screaming and wailing in laughter. That was a good moment to me, where even money cant buy! I even had him on cam eating the tomato and pulling a kawaii pose. He hated that post and really wanted to delete it.
I said, i would post it in friendster, blogger and show it to Mich and Pooi Yee but only with one condition, he would down a shot of vodka. It worked! i have been pestering him to shoot down vodka since the beginning but he was so reluctant. i was so happy! *evil grin*
Then came the,
FREAKING DESSERT! It was my turn to suffer.
Me: cheeseckae
Yeong Ren:Chocolate Malt cake.
I thought I was leading, but mana tau he finished first and i was left in misery behind his trail of dust!
The cheesecake was really treacherous. I swear i would never eat cheesecake for the next six month, or even at the whiff of it i would PUKE!
My eyes were all red and watery half way through the cheesecake. I really wanted to barf but i took it in.
Then came Yeong Ren the annoying beast. It was his turn to annoy me, saying the cheesecake was too cheesy, saying i was so sweet and thats why he likes to sit with me and even said "Eleh, u said when u eat, u really eat! what is this?". I was starting to get really pissed and nearly smacked his head but he was too far away and my hand cant reach his stupid big head.
It took me half and hour, i think to finish up the cheesecake. I took down the last cheesecake into my throat with much agony and fear. Fear that my throat would just reject everything and barf out on the table.
Then came the Vodka!....I love this part!
We downed the vodka with one shot and POOF! we were on LaLa land.
Yeong Ren's face was red, and I cant see properly. We cant even walk properly anymore, and before we knew it, we failed as a drinker. We totally failed and i quote Yeong Ren ;
"Those who drink everyday rite, FUCK THEM LAH"
I was just laughing and laughing away. We even went to Blook, in a high situation to try on shoes. The lady there told us, all the shoes there are out of stock, esp the ones in my size. Giler babi bohong ok? Probably because we went there at 9.30 where every shop has closed and only left them and with us trying to pester them for shoes!
Then came the moment, i dreaded for....Driving.
Everything was fine until i was at the toll, and i started straying from the normal toll to "touch and go" toll, when i dont even have a touch and go card. I cant believe it that i was seeing double vision! Yeong Ren takut edi!...hahaha
After that, i was looking for my wallet and Yeong Ren couldnt find it. I had the fright of my life when he said he really couldnt find it. I had to pull by the side of the road to find it. Mana tau it was just beside him. GILER POTONG STEAM OK?
After that, i was not high anymore, but more like annoyed.
When i reached home, i looked up to sky and guess what I saw? AN ORANGE MOON! i called Yeong Ren up and all he did was laugh and laugh and laugh. Giler kurang ajar...
I could never believe that we could even stray from plan that much. So crazyyy...From the plan just to buy beans, we could go to Tgif and come back drunk. haih...
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