Friday, August 31, 2007

Can you stop asking me if we have ever progressed? Doh!

50 years of Independence, have we really progressed?

When I first saw that question in msn, posted by one of my "friends" in his private message box, I seeped in anger.

I thought to myself, this is typical of Malaysians. So so so typical..Just because you don't see the progress with you own eyes, doesn't mean we haven't progressed.

Doesn't mean our country doesn't look anything like New York or London, we haven't progressed.

Doesn't mean that we are no way comparable to the western countries, we haven't progressed.

Besides, we are not the westerners. DUH!

Miss C asked me a valuable question which is; What is progress?

Until today I've been asking myself, what is progress. I didn't even realise that we define the word progress the same way as the westerners. So do other youths, and that's why we keep on thinking that we haven't progressed.

I know Malaysia has its own shortcomings. For example, inequality among races. That can be translated as backwardness if we compare ourselves to America or U.k

But if we compare ourselves to other developing nations, we are so much better than them. However, Terri asked me a good question. She said, "If we keep on comparing ourselves to other third world nations, when will we ever progress?".

True...I can't say anything to that.

But let me tell you something, comparing is not the way to go. That's why people say, do not compare yourself with anyone in a competition. You compete against yourself and always make yourself better.

So, If I compare Malaysia 50 years ago and Malaysia now, have we progressed?

Hell yeah we have...Our GDP stands at upper middle class and our economy is booming. It might seems that we have incapable leaders and the oh-so-fragile Pak Lah, but if only we put ourselves out of the dome, out from our place and look from another perspectives.....Surely we have progressed.

Every country has its flaws, that's a given, but if we look hard enough, you will see the good side. If only you look with an open eye, sure enough you will find something comforting to see.

I have been looking hard enough, and I know we are doing every well. Thank you very much to those who kept on saying "HAVE WE PROGRESSED?".

This is not New York, damn it! During the early twenties, the Americans have shifted to Industrialized economy, but where were we? We were still colonized and we were still practicing agricultural economy.

So how can we expect Malaysia to be like New York now, when their growth started a long time ago?

From agrarian economy, we have shifted to industrialized economy, and we are now heading towards services type economy. We are working our way; not only in economy, but also in many other aspects.

So please stop thinking that Malaysians still live on trees.

P/s: I'm sorry if I sound angry, in fact I am but not to all of you. Only to one. You see, I don't know this person and I don't know why I have him in my Msn. But he pissed me off and I can't make any comments, coz I don't know him. However, I do believe that most of the youths in Malaysia can't stop thinking how bad Malaysia is progressing. It bothers me inside to think about it, because I love my country.

Yet again, not because of my "advantages". I don't even plan to use them! But because what I can find here is so sacred. I can't find it anywhere else.


Blogger MNaz. said...

nice post :)
thumbs up!

3:01 AM 

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