Thursday, August 23, 2007

Something that I don't like to hear.

What you hate will never change, but what you like will always change. Random? I know. So these are the statements I strongly dislike coming from a person.

1) "You are way too young to think about these things".

I know you mean good and you want me to stop thinking about pointless stuff, but it annoys me. People who always underestimate me because of my age ticks me off.

2) I hate this when it comes from a teacher " I don't have to explain this at all because it's not in your syllabus." or it goes " I don't think I should answer your question because it's too far off from what you're learning".

I know you are trying to save time here, but I really appreciate it if a teacher teaches for the sake of knowledge and not for the sake of exams only.

3) "Wow Zefer, you impressed me today. I never expected from you to say such things".

I know you mean good and you want to praise me, but hey by saying " you never expected" something rational and intelligent from me is insulting. You're trying to say that you always think of me as a empty headed person and I am a bimbo. I may act stupid or bimbo-is but I can't be showing off how intelligent I am when there is no need to right? So dun judge!

4) I really dislike someone when they make a negative conclusion from something I've said innocuously . It's like when I say "It amazes me why guys feel the need to protect girls and must preserve their gentleman image" and then you say "Fine, I won't pay for your food anymore since you say things like that". Sorry Yeong Ren for taking an excerpt from our conversation, but it seems to be the easiest to remember.

It helps alot if you stop jumping to conclusion or you ask me calmly what I meant when I say that particular line. It helps if you listen with an open mind rather than a critical mind.

I know it's random, but I just got to lay it down before I forget so that I can always remember what I don't like and what I like.


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