Monday, September 03, 2007

Superheroes and their stupidity.

Stories of Superheroes often end with triumph. However along the journey to fight evil and save the world, these superheroes always yearn to be ordinary. Other people would die to be the object of admiration and hope, but these superheroes just want to be normal. Even better a plebeian - hidden from scrutiny and the burden that comes with hope and expectations.

There is Spiderman who finds his gifts as a curse and always yearn to be like any other normal human being out there who could love. Superman, Batman and others just feel the same too. After watching these superheroes movies, I felt comforted to be normal and ordinary.

If being normal is all that great, why do I feel it sucks to be ordinary?

Today a bunch of ex-Help-ers who made it to Oxford and Cambridge came to give us a talk. They talked about how to ace the interviews and the tests in order to gain acceptance into these Universities. Well it seems that these interviews and tests require good thinking skills, and other brainy stuff that I feel I lack so much of.

If were to be in their position, I don't think I can go very far. I feel like I am just not good enough. After the talk, it makes me feel so ordinary. Just so common. Everybody shines in their own way, but it seems that I'm the only one who's plain and who doesn't maximize her talents and her capabilities. I am dull like the rock.

So much of wanting to be ordinary you Superheroes. Just stay the way you are coz u wouldn't want to feel as useless as I do now.


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