Lately, i have learnt alot of things about myself and the things that make me most proud of.
Certainly this time around, i've learnt to say things directly and as honestly as possible. If i say im busy, and i cant talk on the phone, i just say im busy, call me back some other time.
I could never say no last time. But now i could...
Recently, i deleted Fasha from my list, and she found out. So she messaged me and asked "did you delete me from you frens list"
At first i din wanna answer, but i decided i have to tell sumthing straight to her face from rite now. So i said, "yeah i did, to get rid of sick of hanging its nothing personal but a way for me to move on."
Me, Zefer could never say anything straight forward as that to people and esp Fasha. But i've learnt to actually take a stand on something and never waver.
I am a person who wavers from her principles very easily. I make and bend my rules and principles. Sometimes it cost me my inner peace.
Im so sick of being unhappy, so I stood up for myself.
Apart from that, i learnt 3 other valueable lessons, and all of them r from yeong ren.
Yeong Ren! dun kembang okey?
First, i am not a very diligent and persistent person. I am still not, but this time i actually finished what i started and it was the Valentine's sale. In the middle of the whole process, i actually wanted to quit. But instead I called Yeong Ren and he said not to quit.
He said "Im the type of person who will not give up without trying, so that in the end of the day i know i've given my all but mayb luck is not on my side if i don succeed"
During Valentine's Day i wanted to quit going around places so many times! i nearly quit, but when yeong ren told me that it was quite true. So i stucked with it.
Secondly, he said "If to earn money right, where can malu malu wan!? Must muka tebal abit lah"....hahaha
This happened when i was so reluctant to approach couples while they were eating...Sometimes i feel very humiliated and I even said "Yeong Ren, i feel like my maruah terjejas like that"
But what to do, in the end of the day i got quite used to selling around the Cafe's, because i learnt the manager wont halau one! muahahhaha
Besides we went to Jaya Jusco, then we kena halau by the guards. Then we thot parkson din have any guards, mana tau while half way talking and convincing, i turned back and saw one guard standing behind us and shaking his head and his hands.
We knew right away it was our cue to go out and we took that cue so obidiently (as if), more ashamefully got lah...Giler heartbroken and malu okey? gila babi one...Me and Yeong Ren wanted to commit suicide edi....
We even said, "if a guy want to rob us, we wont back down without fighting, coz 500 ringgit is not easy to get ok? Doesnt matter if we get stabbed aso"...So extreme edi
I was so proud of myself i din give up at all, and put lots of patience (not a thing i can come up with). We walked around the whole Bukit tinggi area, so damn sakit kaki!
Thirdly i learnt, money is not easy to get! Giler babi susah ok?! We untung around thousand sumthing oni...Its ok lah but not enuff to buy pink T-10....i guess when i come back from India i'll work a lil while more, but i SWEAR i wont touch ROSES, BEARS, and CARDS for another one year! so sick edi!
So in a nutshell i learnt:
1) Never to give up
2)Sometimes in life must muka tebal abit wan...Throw those unnecassary maruah!
3)Money is precious, and im becoming mata duitan edi!
However, i learnt about my bad habits. I like 2 procrastinate untill yeong ren had to do most of the work sometimes, like distributing the the items. He went crazy edi!
Im so unorganized untill it can cost me death, esp to yeong ren more! Whenever he sees my car he gets so tension!
thirdly, i get nuts and crazy tension for no reason. So stupid...
Overall the sale was a big fun...That P.P.P still want to do somemore next year, u do urself lah ok? so sick of valentine edi...
What's wrong with being gay?...what's wrong with being happy having a relationship with someone who has the same sex u do?...what's wrong with having a spiritual bond with someone who has the same physical attributes as u do?...
I think i know what's wrong...its the religeon...of course and that leads us to society.
I believe being gay is natural. It has been around during the Darwinian selection, during the Nazi's, and it has been around since forever.
It's natural!....NATURAL!
Don't believe it? fine...
Animals all around the world are gays. They do it to stregthen bond among the species, sumthing like mengeratkan silaturahim. From there we learn that, animals with a mediocre brain do it, because of the chemical reaction in thier body. It's helpless, it's in the genes, it's in that creature. Sometimes you cant blame a person for being gay and saying its a satanic ritual...
It's just part of the system. Though i am not sure wether im gay by choice or by nature. But i couldnt give sh*t about it any concern to u?
Scientist are killing gay sheeps in order to scuple thier brains out and study the difference between a gay sheep's brain and a straight sheep's brain. Wut the hell? They are all doing this to study the hormones reaction in these sheeps, so that they could create a patch which pregnant mothers could use to produce "STRAIGHT" babies....c'mon.
Even though i am not sure wether i am gay or not, but it doesnt matter. I support the gay community, coz they have been mistreated and and misunderstood. Why do we have to hate, when god gave us the gift to love?...I just dun understand why we tend to hate first rather to understand and love? Why is it in our nature so detest and creat unwanted negative feelings?
Embrace the difference and varieties in your life..It adds colour to ur life, why do u want to cut the colours off from ur life when its supposed to brighten up ur mind?
Why is it so disgusting to see gays? Why does it create sickening feelings in ur throat when you see them? coz u been trained to hate these people since small or while growing up. So is it fair to teach a child to hate and to detest at a tender age?
Some of u might have thot that its necessary to teach a child to detest and hate, so that they will steer clear from the wrong elements. Whether u like it or not, when they grow, they'll get exposed and its up to them to make a decision. I rather let a child grow and think to make a decision.
Besides, if the child is gay, it would be gay by nature, since it's all how much u teach them to hate, something at the back of thier will start to knock into thier senses. To be or not to be all depends on the individual and the risk the have calculated.
What is right or what is wrong, is not for the society, or the priest, or the leaders to decide. What is right or what is wrong is for you to decide. Sometimes, what feels right may be wrong in terms of "religeon, or law, or perception" or whatsoever. Right or wrong is for u to decide, but consequences afterwards is for u to carry, because every man is responsible for thier actions.
Be daring, be bold and be courageous to follow what your heart says. If u dun fulfill your heart's desire, then nobody could. The most important thing in ur life is U...u have the say for urself, and no anybody else then what's the use of living in a democratic country if we dont practise that freedom rite? if ur heart says you want to love a man or a woman of the same sex, then just go ahead and love, coz to love is better than to hate.
In conclusion people, being gay roots from our genes and hormones. If u dont have it, then u wont be gay. But sometimes, certain people choose to be gay under certain circumstances. But so what? are we hurting anybody that way?...Sometimes people are gay coz they cant help it..
p/s: have u ever seen two male cats or two male dogs humping before?...that's ur clue to gayness...MUAHAHA
Around 8.30 pm today, i made a move from Subang Parade to klang. Out of habit, early today i went to Subang Parade just for a simple exercise, which was walking around the mall looking at books and stuff.. Walked around there for around 40 minutes then i decided to make a move home.
As I was driving, Yeong Ren messaged me. I took out my handphone, slowed down the car and looked down on the phone's screen.
I know its totally dangerous, but I frequently kept my eyes on the road and the rear view mirror just to make sure i din stray from the road and hit the divider or other cars.
As i was looking at the rear view mirror, i noticed a car was driving by quite close to me, so i ignored the car and looked to the front. To my horror, i noticed that i was actually driving in the middle of the road. Mind you it was only a two lane highway and i was driving on the middle of it.
It happened for around a few seconds (i swear it was not for even a minute!), then i swerved the car to the left hand side, so that i could let the car behind me past.
Suddenly i noticed the car behind me, didnt pick up the speed but instead drove up a lil bit faster and drove beside me. A malay guy in beards and around his thirties rolled down his window, took his head out and said this
I was momentarily shocked and i din even looked at him. But after he said the word pukimak i looked at him, and i just lifted my hand apologetically, knowing it was my fault. But oh my, i was FUCKING SEETHING INSIDE!
I know i could be a bad driver but i was never inconsiderate! So is that the reaction i should give to every bad driver i come across on the road? Whenever a car overtake me without giving a signal, i show middle finger at him?
Or whenever a guy drives fucking slow during the green light, i overtake him and shout "Fuck u and your mother, you asshole mindless fuck!"?
I wish i could, but i just grit my teeth and seeth inside instead.
I dont know how to evaluate this situation. I know it was my fault to drive on the middle of the road, but it was only a few second, a few second that even any hot bloodied teenage can put up with, or the worst he would have just honked at me.
Is it any necessary to actually scroll down your FUCKING CHEAP WINDOW (he was driving a kembara anyways), and took you smelly stupid looking head out the window, and opened your ugly smelly-like-a-fucking-dumpster mouth, and shout out like i just fucked your grandmother!?
I wouldnt want to fuck ur grandmother anyways. Knowing how smelly you are, i guess u have inherited it from your granmother. Probably she has the smelly genes and give out odour from her vagina. Im mad...really mad!
Im ever madder now, coz i cant upload a kembara picture with the word "fuck u" grafittied on by me using Paint.
Seriously, i dunno why i cant upload pictures on blogger. Why the hell do u have the "add image" icon, when it cant upload anything at all? for sheer entertainment?...i wish there is another bad word apart from Fuck but has the same sting...its too common and losing it stinging effect..
p/s: yeong ren, this is all your fault!
As always, i like to start off my puzzling opinions which an opening line such as "have you ever thot of...bla bla ba"
Today, its going to be the same!
Have u ever thot of the essence that actually defines and captures the true Malaysia? Some say food! Many different variety of food! In a mamak stall itself we can get Roti canai that captures the India culture, Nasi Lemak the creation of the Malays and Nasi goreng Cina, obviously from the chinese. So diverse...but to me its not.
Some say, the Petronas twin towers, some say, the nice beaches, and some say this and say that.But i think most of u have guessed this and i think its the people. Seriously...
3 different ethnics and cultures actually define Malaysia. We have the Chinese, the Indians and the Malays. Apart from that we have the Sarawakian and the Sabahan.
But im not gonna blabber about how prosperous Malaysia is but instead, im gonna talk about us. We, Malaysian people.
Indian, obviously came from India rite? They migrated from India as labourers during the late 18th century. ok fine enough. So did the Chinese who migrated to work here. Malays has always been the resident of Malayan during that time. But my dad's theory is Malays are mostly from the neighbouring country Indonesia.
So people, this combination of countries symbolise Malaysia;
India + China + Indonesia = create Malaysia
Do u know why i say that, even though how malaysiam-ised we are, we still inherit our roots and heritage from our mother land.
Malays with thier tidak apa, corrupted attitude + Chinese with the ruthless apeks + overdramatised indians = third world mentality.
When Malays (with thier lazy atttitude which creates bribery), Chinese (with the ruthless Apeks) and the Indians (who like creating havocs and dramas) live together will create Malaysians who evolve around havoc fighting gangsters, bribery, vandalising, couldnt be bothered, and neither here nor there attitude.
With each of our roots combined together, create the problems we are facing today. I cant deny that each of us do bring some advantages, but hey whats the fun talking about the obvious?
I noticed something in common too...
Jakarta's road is always congested, as well as Mumbai and New Delhi in India (not to mention cows scattering everywhere and totally bad drivers in India). Meanwhile in China traffic is not that bad but always congested with motorcyclew lah, trishaws lah, pedestrians and cars.
With the traffic combined from each of our mother land, we actually get = BAD TRAFFIC JAM EVERYWHERE AND TOTALLY BAD SELFISH DRIVERS IN MALAYSIA! yahoo-ness -.-
We Malaysians are totally bad drivers! No doubt. In fact we do have cows and sometimes goats scattering here and there just like in India. Coincidence? i dun think so...
Apart from the people, we have the goverment that actually build the structure of the country. We're democratic country with a fair share of malays, indians and chinese thats run the country. I said a fair share coz it follows the quota of malays to chinese then to indians which is 3:2:1. get it?
With most malays running for PM and menteri, i could actually see the true colours of us Malays. Hishamudin represents a small part of us modernised malays but still has that "neither here nor there attitude", or to make it short, has that unsure, unconfirmed attitude paired up with acuh tak acuh attitude. The best example to justify this is our education system. It's getting modernised, yes, but where are we heading to? Malay then changed to english, and then rumours to malay again. New subjects are introduced, but nothing is taking effect.
Meanwhile, we malays are actually very envious creatures. We cant see other people succeed. Like i say, we have the sifat hasad dengki and if u are in the malay community, u'll get the front seat view of this hypocrisy. The best example is the battle of power between Khairy Jamalludin with some of his Umno surbodinates Vs Najib & geng. The battle for the Perdana Menteri seat is hot and fiery. Only we cant see it, but try reading some of the blogs by the Malaysian's journalist or by the members of the parliament. You'll get the view.
On the other hand, we have the religeous, partly extremist malays. The best example is Ahmad Badahwi. Some of the bloggers call him
BODOHWI. If any of the internet cops see this, im gonna get prosecuted man! But not a bad case. During Mahathir time, he focused on industrialization and other global issue. Good enough for us. However, this Badahwi is trying to focus on Islam Hadhari, agriculture, and some other petty stuff.
Sometimes he can get so blund. During the beginning of the flood, he told the people not to worry, we (the kerajaan) offer free medical treatment & services to the victims. Isnt it obvious that during flood, medical treatment has to be free? Do u expect those poor victims to pay then? It is free since the beginning. Go to goverment hospital and the medical treatment is free too.
Apart from that, some time ago it has been loud and clear that he challenged the board of ministers to fulfill thier duties and promises. Arent they the people that u pick to be the members of the parliament? what is there to question and challenge. Just cut straight to the point.
Those are the people that actually create Malaysia and therefore make Malaysia neither reknowned in sport, industrialization nor agri culture. We're never good at anything. We're always trapped between the first world country and the third world country.
At first when i thot of writting this, it would be humorous. But knowing me, lacking of wits and humour, could never make a post like this seems light and funny. But that was my original intention. To make us see our weaknesses in a light tone.
Forget about our leaders, lets think about us now.
Our addiction to bribery has also caused perpetrators to widespread, thus create the depletion of resources and the destruction of mother nature. For example, to be able to own a land and build a factory on it, many procedures need to be seen through. With the magical help of bribery, the process speeds up and and sometimes the most impossible thing just turn possible and easier to reach.
Like my dad says " nothing is for free man. Bribery makes the world go round"
In the end, we Malaysians are just people who couldnt be bothered with our mother nature. Just like, the Indonesians who do open burning and create smog, just like the indians in India who never use thier resources to good use, and Chinese in China who pollutes thier country resulted from factories and rubbish. There was even an article in The Times mag about this. If China doesnt clean up and start thinking green, the olympics wont be held in thier country in two thousand sumthing sumthing.
Couldnt be bothered with the date. Im just sick of us malaysians who dump and litters everywhere. Im sick of malaysians who hunt and barbarically kill exotic animals for health benefit. Selfish i say. If u want to become healthy then become a vegetarian lah. Haiyoo..
So in conclusion to this no-longer-humourous and very-spm-like essay, Malaysia is a country where it is 'truly asia', with the combination of 3 prominent asian countries such as India, China and Indonesia , which are very infamous for thier third world mentality.
Im sorry if i were to offend anybody with this post, but myself partly Malay, Indian and chinese do include myself in the catergories above. Believe it or not, those three races are in my blood.
'Malaysia, truly asia" is such a beautiful song don't u think so? = )
I wonder, how does it feel to actually date a younger teenage boy? I mean I cant say, how does it feel to date a younger man, when the male species im talking about is only a year junior than I am?...
So whats the right word for that person? a younger boy? nah sounds like a pedophilia...mayb the right word is a younger guy...That's it! Perfecto.
Allright back to the story!How does it feel to date a younger guy? ashamed since he's younger than u r and u dont want to show him to the crowd? Then he becomes ur secret dark lover! sounds mysterious! *meoww*
Maybe it would totally be an eye opening experience.
But u know what i think? i think its an ego-stroke...definitely! *wink wink* Apart from that, it would definitely be a win win situation for a light, humorous, and fun kind of relationship;
you know, where we dont get mushy mushy and saying "i love u" and "i love u too" isnt that important anymore. But it is more of an ego stroke, esp for the females.
Meanwhile for the guy, the female would be his prized possession. The girlfren, older, wiser, richer would definitely be his trophy girlfren, and he will never see his friends without taking his trophy along. Just like those wrestlers u see on tv, who will never forget to bring his big-ass gold champion belt (which is the size of my freaking TORSO) out, whenever he has a match.
It does good to ur confidence...
The female will feel proud, driving him around when he cant drive, so will the female feel superior when she can teach him addmaths (not that im good at addmaths, just for the sake of teaching) when he is clueless about it. I love that dominant feeling. I am, as many people call it Bossy. A bossy bossy proud female. hehehe
On the other hand, the male (who will take advantage of this situation), will feel totally different. It mayb be wierd in the beginning, but if the guy is bold or smart enough, he will fit just right into the puzzle and create a great chemistry between male and female.
Most of u will be wondering, what the hell is this zefer talking about, but think about it for a second. Women are always the one, get pampering and sweet talked to. It makes u feel mushy and helpless. On the contrary, guys will feel satisfied from winning ur heart and he'll get the ego boost. "I just got a girl man, and she's totally head over heels for me"...he afterall will feel more dominant on the relationship. While we girls get dreamy and soft. Not a thing i like to feel...
Lets flip this situation around where females get to taste the feeling of being the stronger one in the relationship. Instead of feeling soft and helpless, we feel overpowering, stronger and more confident. We're not scared of losing the relationship, or wrecking it, coz we control where it goes, doesnt matter whether it's uphill or downhill. U give the call and u steer it's destination. After the relationship, u'll know how much u worth and how much of control u have over ur life.
This in return, will prepare the women for the next relationship, where u wont be taken advantage of and know how to give and take;instead of giving, and giving and giving untill u have nothing to give anymore.
Maybe some women are already the more domineering one in the relationship, but sometimes it is the male. Sometimes, both of lovebirds wear the pants.
I dont know about how guys feel when thier girlfren is hotter and older, but usually i got told that men, like thier girlfriends to be older, as they are less dependent and has other worldly issues to think about apart from them. U see, guys also like thier space, but funny enough i've seen needy guys! Thats is totally a wierd case...
The best couple to justify this fact is Demi moore and Ashton Kutcher. Kutcher is proud to have a hot mama, who earns more than he does, older, independent and so much successful than he is. A guy who is not egoistic will not feel intimidated, but instead he feels like has just found the "goldmine". Demi on the other side, loves having a younger boy, where there wont be much hassle, giving and taking is easier to decide and she loves controlling the steering wheel.

Ashton 27, and Demi 42 when they legally wedded.
Apart from that, there is David and Victoria Beckham...somehow it has been obvious to me how Victoria actually takes a lead in this relationship, from her photos and her actions. The way how she plays with David's head during and interview was already a tell-tale sign. Hehehe
Wait...after i've seen the pics again and i could be wrong. They look like they share the pants in the relationship. i talk like im some kind psychologist...mayb i am a psycologist just without the -logist.. *cursing at blogger*....i cant upload thier photos! stupid!
So anyways, wanna try younger guys ladies!? MUAHAHAHA...
I know i have one in mind!
I wonder, how does it feel to actually date a younger teenage boy? I mean I cant say, how does it feel to date a younger man, when the male species im talking about is only a year junior than I am?...
So whats the right word for that person? a younger boy? nah sounds like a pedophilia...mayb the right word, a younger guy...That's it! Perfecto.
Allright back to the story how does it feel to date a younger guy? ashamed since he's younger than u r and u dont want to show him to the crowd? Then he becomes ur secret dark lover! sounds mysterious! *meoww*
Maybe it would totally be an eye opening experience.
But u know what i think? i think its an ego-stroke...definitely! *wink wink* Apart from that, it would definitely be a win win situation for a light, humorous, and fun kind of relationship;
you know, where we dont get mushy mushy and saying "i love u" and "i love u too" isnt that important anymore. But it is more of an ego stroke, esp for the females.
Meanwhile for the guy, the female would be his prized possession. The girlfren, older, wiser, richer would definitely be his trophy girlfren, and he will never see his friends without taking his trophy along. Just like those wrestlers u see on tv, who will never forget to bring his big-ass gold champion belt (which is the size of my freaking TORSO) out, whenever he has a match.
It does good to ur confidence...
The female will feel proud, driving him around when he cant drive, so will the female feel superior when she can teach him addmaths when he is clueless about it. I love that dominant feeling. I am, as many people call it Bossy. A bossy bossy proud female. hehehe
On the other hand, the male (who will take advantage of this situation), will feel totally different. It mayb be wierd in the beginning, but if the guy is bold or smart enough, he will fit just right into the puzzle and create a great chemistry between male and female.
Most of u will be wondering, what the hell is this zefer talking about, but think about it for a second. Women are always the one, gets pampering and sweet talked to. It makes u feel mushy and helpless. On the contrary, guys will feel satisfied from winning ur heart and he'll get the ego boost. "I just got a girl man, and she's totally head over heels for me"...he afterall will feel more dominant on the relationship. While we girls get dreamy and soft. Not a thing i like to feel...
Lets flip this situation where females get to taste the feeling of being the stronger one in the relationship. Instead of feeling soft and helpless, we feel overpowering, stronger and more confident. We're not scared of losing the relationship, or wrecking it, coz we control where it goes, doesnt matter whether it's uphill or downhill. U give the call and u steer it's destination. After the relationship, u'll know how much u worth and how much of control u have over ur life.
This in return, will prepare the women for the next relationship, where u wont be taken advantage of and know how to give and take;instead of of giving, and giving and giving untill u have nothing to give anymore.
Maybe some women are already the more domineering one in the relationship, but sometimes it is the male. Sometimes, both of lovebirds wear the pants.
I dont know about how guys feel when thier girlfren is hotter and older, but usually i got told that men, likes thier girlfriends to be older, as they are less dependent and has other worldly issues to think about apart from them. U see, guys also like thier space, but funny enough i've seen needy guys! Thats is totally a wierd case...
The best couple to justify this fact is Demi moore and Ashton Kutcher. Kutcher is proud to have a hot mama, who earns more than he does, older, independent and so much successful than he is. A guy who is not egoistic will not feel intimidated, but instead he feels like has just found the "goldmine". Demi on the other side, loves having a younger boy, where there wont be much hassle, giving and taking is easier to decide and she loves controlling the steering wheel.

Ashton 27, and Demi 42 they legally wedded.
Apart from that, there is David and Victoria Beckham...somehow it has been obvious to me how Victoria actually takes a lead in this relationship, from her photos and her actions. The way how she plays with David's head during and interview was already a tell-tale sign. Hehehe
Wait...after i've seen the pics again and i could be wrong. They look like they share the pants in the relationship. i talk like im some kind psychologist...mayb i am a psycologist just without the -logist...and u know what, i actually did a research on them and i was mistaken. They are actually of the same age currently 31 this year. *cursing at blogger*....i cant upload thier photos! stupid!
So anyways, wanna try younger guys ladies!? MUAHAHAHA...
I know i have one in mind!
Who believes in the idea of marriage raise up ur hands? i can see most of the people are raising up thier hands o.o
Who have even given a wedding a thought? a wedding with lillies of the valley lined up on the isle for the christians or having ur hands sprinkled with bunga sumthing sumthing on ur wedding day for the malays?....have ever thot of becoming "raja sehari" someday?
I, as unconventionalist and who breaks from traditions, dont. In fact im very sceptical on the idea of marriage.
Marriage has been defined as a reunion of the opposite sex in matrimony and recognized by law.
To certain part of the world, marriage is an escape. Parent wed thier daughters to release themselves from burden. Some part of the world, marriage symbolises love. Maybe, marriage is the correct way to repocreate.
Marriage, can be deceiving. Its not that it can be deceiving, but IT IS. People put happiness into the thought of marriage, but nothing do they know what was coming ahead. Why are we deluded and forced into marriage?
Because our old nagging aunties talk and force us into it? Because wanna have children? or are we simply pushed into the idea of marriage by society. Maybe simply because our religeon says so?
Lets put religeon aside...
When you put religeon aside, marriage doesnt mean anything anymore. Why cant two people in love stay together without being bound by a contract? The difference between married couple and non married couple is the contract. Bound by papers and signatures. is it necessary?
More and more married couple and heading towards splitsville, when they are so much happier without marriage. Somehow, when two people are married, unrealistic hopes formed, making us much more vulnerable to dissapoinments and delusion.
At last when they are divorced, money will become the main object of dispute and so are the rights for custody. Who suffers from this? The kids and the couple.
So why i ask again, do we put ourselves into this illusion? Marriage is just mere illusion. Happy thoughts are always involved with marriage. Like the say, "angels from heaven smile upon them" who marries, but i believe greater happiness and satisfaction can be obtained from love without the idea of marriage.
Like Jonhney depp, who was married once but divorced. Now he has a "wife" with two children (i think), and they have been together for 8 years. Believe or not they are not married, i think simply because Johnny Depp doesnt believe in marriage.
I just despise the idea, that someday, everybody will find thier prince charming and get married someday. If you're not married, you're looked down upon by ur "aunties" and other part of the society. Somehow, if u break out from the norm everybody will raise an eyebrow and start questioning. Why why why they ask, and if the answers are not good enough, conjectures will be made.
Saying," i think she's barren", or "she has been divorced" or "she has problems larh.."
Why is it when some people are not married, they are often associated with the word "problem", 'illness' or "social phobic"? watever rite yeong ren..-.-
It's hard to explain things, when it confuses me so much. But in a nutshell, i dont believe in the idea of marriage because
1) we are only bound by law and contract. its a weak reason to persuade me.
2)why is it when we're married and subsequently divorced, money becomes the object of dispute?
3) thirdly when women are married esp in Islam, women are cut short from thier womanly rights. Cant seek for divorce, or will ever be associated with divorce. Usually, when a couple is divorced most of the blames will go to wives (esp in malays society), saying that the wives cant take care of the husbands well and what not...
4) its just mere illusion of happiness.The society is axxegerating the idea of marriage and making us a fool for marriage.
5)We are unconsciously, being forced into marriage by the society. It is a norm for every individual to get married. It's like a duty to be fullfiled and when we dont, we're pressured into it. Hello it's already the 20th century! wake up aunties!
6)People say, marriage is a step forward for those couple in love. Why should it make any difference whether u have a contract or not when you're in love? Just because the society says u HAVE TO? SINCE WHEN DID THE SOCIETY TAKE CONTROL OVER OUR LIVES?
7)"Remember, dear friends, that marriage is sacred only when people make it sacred. The law of the country can make you legally husband and wife but only your love and faith can consummate a true and sacred union", a quotation by Judo Shinshu. Nvm about him, but i believe a person can be "spiritualy" united with sincere love. Why do we still need marriage then o we can be so much happier without, than having a document to proof "true and scared union"?
It is we, who make it sacred. So no need for traditional weddings and marriage. People only use wedding and marriage as an escape from "watever" problems they have.
8) i think its much more romantic to be with the person you love most for the rest of your life without marriage, than with marriage. Hell with wedding yeong ren said " when my soon to be bride wants a diamond ring right, i'll ask her to watch blood diamond". Pretty true
It just confuses me why, marriage is a big deal. Probably because of religeon. I think its time for me to brush up on my agama. I'm becoming an atheist more than im realising it now.
Marriage? u decide, but its not my cup of tea. So is to having kids.
Im a sucker for romantic i think its much more romantic to stay faithful to a person without being bound by papers and vows. Everybody can make and break a vow.
But can anybody break your faith and loyalty to someone not blood related to u?