Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Why do famour bloggers have the propensity to write nothing but about themselves?

I have a new blogger to introduce. She's not entirely new in the blog sphere, but she is kind off new to me. Means I just got to know of her existence................... only recently.

I am so sick of Xia Xue, the loud, foul mouthed, attention seeking blogger. She may be fun for a few days, but u'll get sick of her attitude some day. She comes off as someone who is obnoxious but i cant deny her creativity. However she thinks the world evolves around her.

Then there are other bloggers such as Kenny Sia and Dawn. These people are famous but they are just so OVERRATED! The word that comes out from my mouth after reading their blogs are "Gimme a break".

They write of nothing in their blog, but of toilet bowl humour esp for Kenny, while Dawn, just like Dawn itself, still make people lost in slumber.

Then there is the other blogger which makes me scream in agony, pain, hatred, and anger whenever i stop by her page. She is of course the infamous blogger, May Zhee. Who screams for attention with her child like tantrums, ranting, and over-the top usage of vocab, but who has no style of writting. Have u ever read her book? The is no style of writting at all. More like a kid's writting. She talks of nothing but herself and she post pictures of nothing but herself.

I've stopped reading her blog a long time ago, but somehow there is this twitch of curiousity in my head that makes me click on her link from mich's blog. Maybe just to see what she's up to now, and to see whether she has changed. But she's still the same child who thinks of nothing but herself and her cookie aka as Fatty.

I need to read some worldly issue, not some kid's blog whose world is infested with vanity.

Apart from that, there are other common blogs. Mich, i really like your blog though. I am an avid reader. N Jayne I read your blog too. But there are other "bloggers" too that i so dont wanna mention here. Im hated enough in this circle of people becoz of certain things i've done. But these bloggers have no imagination. Period.

They post pictures and tell the whole word what they have done on that day, with their so klang-ish English. Sometimes i feel like I'm killing my English by reading their post.

Not to be forgotten, i love Josh's blog too. He has style when he writes. It comes of as funny, light and just so Joshie. I love his reviews, as its so writer's like and it so can be trusted.

So I have a blogger to introduce since i've just acknowledged her existence. She is called as MayaKirana. She's in her 30's and she write about some "earthy" things u know. I call it earthy coz its so real and down to earth. Most bloggers reflect the image of metal in my head whenever i've read their blog, coz its so hard (hard in a sense that is so rigid and stupid in humour) and cold because they never set any warmth in my heart.

This blogger, she writes about food, her pets and some other simple stuff. She is a matured writer (duh!, she 33), who has a lovely style of writing which has some interesting vocab u could learn from. Unlike May Zhee's blog that has vocabs that are so rigid and out of this world which come off as "unuseful" to add into ur list of Vocab. I dunno why i abhor her so much. Maybe for pure evil!..hehe

Give her (her as in MayaKirana, not as in May Zhee) blog a try. It may not suit you, but it suits my line of thoughts and in search of simple writers. Her url is

She sounds familiar, but i cant make out who she is. So peeps, stop reading May Zhee's blog and some other stupid bloggers who write nothing of sex and sex and sex (because they think its so cool and it will excite some controversy thus will boost their popularity), but try to read hers.

P/s: Im not trying to imply that i am good writer by trying to make out other bloggers as no good or whatsoever. I just like to read blogs, because i have nothing to do when i go online. But these overrated bloggers are so killing me with stupid, and toilet-bowl standard of facts and humour.




Blogger Michelle Chin said...

Review my blog please:

You seem honest at your reviews. =)

5:45 AM 

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