Sunday, May 13, 2007
Im on the search for exotic males. Do msg me when you've found one.
Diane said this once to me " Cancerians are suckers for hot people, seriously". It was not a surprise after all since I've always been gawking at hot people in India. She said she's the same person too, and she's a Cancerian. Is it true that all Cancerians are like that?Whenever I see a beautiful creature, my knees get weak and my heart beats faster and harder. I run out of air and I start to hyperventilate Sometimes I will shriek in delight or sometimes my face will turn red from all the decompression. Don't ask me what kind of decompression, its just one of those time when I have to hold everything back in spite of the outburst within me.
They are the feelings that i get whenever I see Hritik Roshan or John Abraham. Sometimes whenever I get to see "exotic" people. Exotic in my terms would be like those two I have just mentioned. I have a weak spot for people with these kind of features. I have no idea how to explain. Maybe to Sarah, I would say people exotic like the Kashmirians and she would get it.
But I think you guys would have understood my taste right? Fair but not pale. Round, deep set brown eyes. Green would be even heavenly. A lil bit of stub, and really high straight nose. It even turns me on when these people have sculpted bodies. I don't like it buff, but just nicely toned. It just drives me crazy whenever I see one of these people. N oh yeah, they must have black hair and thick black eyebrows as well. Hehe
I don't know why I'm writing this but I need to vent out my feelings such as this one. Feelings of...I don't know what. I told you I'm a sucker for beautiful people.I just gotta fine one so that I could stare and manifest in their beauty. Having one in Kashmir doesn't count okay?! Its already hard to communicate then what about seeing and appreciating every curb and creases on his face?...
Do you want to know what causes this sudden surge of hornines? It's because i've just watched Water, a Hindi Film starring John Abraham who reminds me of Imran. Almost the same features. The hair, the stub, the eyes, and the chin. They look almost alike and is that why Imran likes him as an actor? Seeing another person like himself on the TV screen? if thats the reason then he's really vain.

But! The important thing that I've wanted to say is this, do watch Water. You'll witness things that you have never seen and it brings you new horizons. It may be slow, but the cinematography suffice itself in that sense. It was hard for me to capture the quintessence of the movie as I don't understand the Hindu culture as much of the scripts revolves around Krishna, Radha and it's history. I can't really capture its beauty and symbolical meanings.
But it's message was clear enough about widows and how they were treated pre and post Ghandi times. How women without husbands were badly treated and deprived. Why are men so cruel to demean the opposite sex? And why are women willing to subject themselves to such injustice? We women have such a delicate stand on this world. I don't even know what role are women to play in this world in order to be treated fairly. Anyways I had a good time feasting my eyes upon John Abraham! Now my eyes are happy and satisfied, but my heart is not. I want to have someone who is as good looking as him. Enough of crapping, I need to finish up on maths at 1 o'clock in the morning and sleep. Coll tomorrow...lazy nyer.
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