Tuesday, May 08, 2007

To ask or not to ask...thats the question. hmmm

To ask or not to ask..That is the question my fellow friend. He's neither an acquaintance nor a stranger (to my eyes at least). I know him (yeah in my lustful imagination heheh) yet I do not know him (that part is not fictional), but why is he so sexy? Why is he so muscular? Why is he so hot? Thats because he is my super hero Double M!

He's tall and muscular. Hot and sexy! Those are all the criteria a man needs to save a lady in distress............ like ME!

Anyways enough of ramblings...I just want ask him to be my date for the A-levels Ball. But Im too shy, too conscious and timid to ask a guy out. What if he already has a gf? What if he's gay? What if im not hot enuff? I dun want to make a fool out of myself. But i so badly want to ask him to the ball. Haih.....

What do u think peeps? Should I ask this beautiful stranger to the ball?


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