Tuesday, May 01, 2007
The object that gives life to your limbs and muscles.
I could remember the feeling that I get when I could execute a challenging dance move with precision and style. It's just exhilarating. I feel like I could do anything else in the world and I AM THE superwoman.It's even more sublime when I could watch everybody and I grooving to the music in the mirror but at the same time sharing thoughts through eye contacts and face expressions from the mirror.
The mirror is the connector to the effusion of feelings mingling in the room. The emotions needed escape from the overwhelmed body and the mirror is that proxy.
From the mirror I could see some high in ecstasy from dancing. Their eyes up looking up to the ceiling and body dancing out the steps as if God has gifted it to them since birth.
Then there are people like me; who struggled to cope but when they are in tune with the music and the body run its course, a smile will break from the frowning face and everything seems bright and nothing could wrong. That is until when she has missed a step or two and the trance is broken.
Well...they are also people who kept facing the ground and never took their eyes off from their feet. If they do, they feel the angel of death might just stare them in the eyes and strip away their lives. These people are the ones moving with difficulties, have the permanent frown stuck in their faces and move awkwardly.They are such funny people. I know its not nice to laugh, but sometimes i catch myself laughing in the mirror after taking a glance at one or two of these people. Cute people I will say.
What's even hilarious is when the awkward lost guy starts to sit down and complain about all the moves and how they are just so wrong. His eyes will start to get wild and hand will start flinging in the air as his speech avalanches with growing confusion and exasperation.
The most perfect body language of love could only be conveyed by a dance. When a man and women dance, everything around them starts to fade and what matters only is them. A man cant force a woman if she doesn't want to dance, and man could only lead if she lets him lead. Respect and Honour play much effort in this duo to create harmony. A perfect example of roles for men and women. A woman is not a man's property and therefore he can't subject her to do the things that she doesn't want to do. A man should gain a woman's acceptance and then only could he move with her as one.
It doesn't matter what kind of dance, but when a man and a woman interact in a dance it would never fail to fascinate me. It just fascinates me when a man touches a woman with tender love and care, carries her into the air with effort and security, and will never let her fall when her feet touches the ground. However if he fails to do those things, the magic of the dance will be lost and the dance could never be a dance of love. It just intrigues me how life needs to apply the principles of dancing to create perfect congruence between mankind and also sexes.
I just love the image when a man touches a woman by the hip and their body unites with the single magic of music and its melody. Their souls merge into one and create rainbow of emotions; all odd and beautiful.
Dancing has been a passion, but a dying one. With unending task and duties, I am caught in the society's web of expectation. I just wanna run away and relive the spark in me, which is to dance.

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