Friday, May 04, 2007


Guess what? My car got clamped today and Ms Caroline (lit lecturer) got to see the whole embarrassing moment. Syok giler man! Never had the feeling that you get when your car gets clamped. Went to the guard, the guard asked me to see the abang tiket. The abang tiket said I would have to pay 50 ringgit!!!!!! Just got my allowance yesterday and here I am spending one-third of my allowance on the stupid clamping ticket!

After I've paid the ticket only the whole personnel who were hanging out by my car said, "ALAH, kenapa tak jumpa abang jer? Kan senang mcm tue, tak payah bayar!".

Swt...dah bayar baru bagitau lah? He said, "takpe, next time kalau kena clamp lagi nanti jumpa abang lagi".

Wahlau, when would it be the next i get clamp again? Next ten years if it were to be in the same building! If it's sumwhere else i might get clamped soon enough because of my reckless parking style.

Anyways, i cant help but mention this! I SAW MY MUSCLE FUCKING MAN! WOHOOO

He made my day lah. I was on the way to the ladies when I passed by the computer lab and I saw a gorgeus creature that caught my eyes. Without hesitation, i knew it was him and it turned out to be HIM! My muscle man.

I just heard him talk today and he has the sexiest voice along with a sexy aura. He's not thaAAAT good looking but its just the whole aura that he sends off as SEXY! SENSUAL AND MASCULINE.

Haih...Im so desperate. The bad news is that he might be graduating anything soon this year, coz I heard from his friend (whom he were talking to about some project) that he's graduating this semester. Wahhh...I dont have much time anymore.

I want my muscle man to stay. I want my eye candy to stay....PLEASEEEEEEEEE


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