Thursday, July 26, 2007

Can songs really heal?

Have you ever had this experience where you find a song that you have been listening to suddenly become a reflection to your life ? Have you ever experienced an obsession over a song for no reason and suddenly you realise that song is actually telling YOUR story?

I have been in that situation many many times. Sometimes it surprises me how I will intuitively feel the need to listen to a particular song over and over again until it dawns on me that that song is exactly what I need during that period.

I don't know if I just want to relate to it or if it is just my intuition seeking a healing song. But it's really funny how an odd old song will come into my mind and haunts me even when I'm sleeping.

Last week when I was down over a fall out, I had Craig David's "I just don't love you no more" song stuck in my mind. It played over and over and over again. I sang it without even realising it. It became habitual until at one point it stopped suddenly. That was when I start to realise that Hey! I've stopped thinking about him and I'm over it.

Now I am having Ne-yo's song stuck in my mind. It's called Go on girl which I though to be Girl on Girl but to my disappointment it's not. I have no idea why it's my obsession but there is a sense of connection. It's has now become my second habit to sing it non-stop.

Well I think it's because the beat of music is laid back and it pretty much reflects how slow my life is going right now; which is good. The song is simple and the lyric pretty much shows how I am feeling. So viola....It's my new song. I don't know if I'm over-analysing it or it comes naturally. I prefer to call it natural...

I guess it's a way for mind to distract myself from thinking so much of that particular matter. By singing it I am actually thinking about the song rather than the problem...Lame I know. Well it's just a theory...

It's just a way how I mend myself. So buzz and stop over psycho-analysing me.


Blogger Jasmine said...

I agree.. often I've found songs similar to my life at certain points! One significant one was Simple Plan's : Welcome to My Life :D

10:40 PM 

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