Friday, July 06, 2007
Hair matters!
My hair is my crown, people! I have always been concerned about my hair since I've reached puberty cause that was the time when my hair started to transform from silky straight to unruly frizzy coarse hair. Blame it on the hormones. Again. Anyways I think my hormones are calming down and I have found my blessed curls. Can't live without it.After discovering my curls, I've stopped using shampoos and only dedicate myself to conditioners. I know it sounds disgusting but your head is not as dirty as shit until you have to wash it with floor detergents ok??? Sorry for offending shampoo users but that statement is directed to my elder sis as she likes to mock about my habit and calls it disgusting. Watever! Anyways, I have been looking for clear hair gels that styles and repairs my hair simultaneously but I can't. So I typed hair gel in google and got some amazing results. I found homemade hair gel. I know it sounds frugal or disgusting but think about it this way; would you prefer having natural things on hair or some chemicals that you can't even pronounce sitting on you hair? Which one huh? huh? huh? Anyways Sarah Chen, these recipes are for you to try! Go and wallop the recipe! hahaha

My curls! My curls! My curls are much longer now and it got heavy. So my curls are not showing. That's why I need hair gel.
TimeOf Applications: 40Prep. Time: 0:50
1 cup water
2 Tbls. flax seed
2 drops scented oil - your choice of scent
-Combine water and seeds in a small saucepan.
-Bring to a boil then remove from heat.
-Allow to set for a half an hour.
-Strain through fine colander.
-When completely cooled, add scented oil.
-Transfer to a wide-mouthed jar with lid.
Notes: Use as you would with any other gel. For first timers you would have some hard time handling the subtance as it won't come out viscous instead it will turn out to be runny as egg whites. So I read some comments and they said strain it while it is still warm and don't let it sit for too long ok?
I have not tried my hands on these things yet but can't wait. I've bought all the ingredients and i've only the essence oil left. I think you could get these scented oils from Body Shop.
You can substitute the flax seeds with Gelatine. Here is the recipe:
Homemade Hair Gel
1/2 to 1 teaspoon unflavored vegetable based gelatin
1 cup warm water
Dissolve gelatin in 1 cup warm water. Keep refrigerated and use as you would a purchased gel. You could also add in scented oil if u want to. People have also commented that gelatin triggers hair growth. So it kinda like makes your hair grow faster.
Keep in mind that both of these gels could only last for a week and keep them refrigerated. Good Luck peeps if you're trying.
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