Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Lit class discussion.

I was in Lit class yesterday and usually when we have discussion, it really makes me think and eventually my head will get mixed up.

Miss.C (lit lecturer) said she can't stand boys who cries, and even worse who cries in public. I disagreed and shouted "what's wrong with that?".

Then I realised, Women are not the only gender that is pressured and being treated unfairly, but Men too.

Haven't we heard such lines where "Big boys don't cry'?

But what a minute, It just dawned on me that Men only face pressure to be manly and masculine. That's their only pressure.

Aiks...I thought I could take up some pity on my fellow male species but I have none. Probably next time. LoL~!

Anyways that's not the matter. When we study poems, we learn about the different type of poems and the different type of poets. First we learned about the Romantics. Romantics are known to be on the extreme of doing things. When they want to do something, they will do it passionately. They hope for the new generation to be different and the look on the power of human beings. It goes something like that. (go and google it up people)

For your more info, i googled them up for your enlightenment.


An early 19th century, pan-European movement in the arts and philosophy. The term derives from the Romances of the Middle Ages, and refers to an idealization of reality. In the late 18th century, it came to mean anti-Classical and represented a trend towards the picturesque and the Gothic, and a love of nostalgia, mystery and drama (e.g. Walpole, Beckford and Fuseli). By the early 19th century it had been broadened to include: an enthusiasm for, and awe of, nature; a political support for liberty; an emphasis on the individual as a unique creative being; opposition to, and fear of, industrialization; an interest in the exotic and primitive; nationalism; and a dissatisfaction with life and a desire for new means of artistic expression. This breadth of meaning has led to the definition of Romanticism as a 'feeling' and very little else.

I was taken aback by this romanticism and I thought I could relate to it coz the following reasons; im impulsive and spontaneous but at the same time emotional (u may not see the relation of my attributes to the romantics, but i can ok? so dun laugh)

Anyways, we were studying a play called the translations and there is a character in the play that is a romantic: Who follows his heart rather than his head. However when I read the notes, it says that his romanticism has brought him his death! I was like 'WHAAA??'

what's wrong with following your heart and what's wrong about being a romantic? I asked Miss C about it and she said "No, sweetheart. Everybody needs balance in their life. They need logic to make decisions in their life".

It so dampened my fire. It totally contradicts what she said before this. I totally believed her when she said being a romantic takes a lot of bold and courage. But now she said being a romantic will bring you other consequences.

To be or not to be, thats the question. But I guess I'll stick to the melodramatic romantic that I am and be proud of it. I may not have enough logic in my life in order to make decisions, but I rather stay being gut-driven. I think it would make me happier.

Anyways, Im sick of what other people think is right and what other people think is wrong. I guess I'll be an anti-social and live in my own hippie world. I need opium!


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