Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Who or What are we actually?
Owh my god! I can't stand Malaysian Television anymore. Be it Astro Ria, Tv3, Ntv7 or anything else! They are getting on my nerves and you wanna know why? Its because they are so uncreative. They are really really not creative. I can't see any Tv shows that were not derived from western Tv shows.I was watching Astro Ria and this one guy popped up and began showing magic tricks on the streets. Approaching young girls who in returned giggled shyly and move out of the camera frame. Some of them even moved out secretly. So typical Malaysians to be so shy, malu-malu kucing pulak tu! PUI PUI PUI! Feel the bullet power of my saliva spit. Before we forget the point, is he just trying to be the next Malaysian Mondo Magic guy?

Then we have Malaysian Idol. Well I guess one show such as Malaysian Idol is not so bad considering almost each country has their own Idol. Then there is Akademi Fantasia that comes from Mexico if I am not mistaken. Or probably from somewhere around the Latino region.
Apart from that, we have So Do you Think You Can Dance Malaysia Version. Haiyooo...After that I heard about Fashion Runway Malaysian version. Before this we had Explore Race which is another reality show where its concepts came from Amazing Race.
Just this afternoon I was watching Tv3 and this one advertisement came up. It was those usual advertisement where Tv3 shows to promote one of their nightly shows and its called Emilda something. Do you want to know where they stole the storyline and concept from? It is from Ugly Betty. Depicting a story of an ugly secretary working in a office that is mostly empowered by pretty, over-controlling and bitchy colleagues. Haiyooo....
Enough is enough Malaysian! Find something original and authentic. Find something that truly reflects Malaysia as a country that is innovative, modern, but yet original. Im so sick of staring into the idiot box and find something that insults Malaysia and myself as a Malaysian. It wrecks my sanity.
I can't turn on the Tv anymore because whenever I do I get annoyed and agitated. When I refuse to turn watch Malaysian shows people will say I am trying to act all westernised and I don't appreciate Malaysia enough. But how can I watch it when it's actually Malaysian Tv channels that are trying to plagiarize Western Tv shows? I am so sick, so sick, so sick! I'm going to Uei Huek (muntah darah in Hokkien according to Mr Noel who is my maths teacher). If I were in the government I'll write a comment to the newspaper and fill the column full with slanders and criticisms. So be it unfair or just plain rude, but its time Malaysia produce something that is truly of their own because so far in my life, I've never found anything that original being produced in Malaysia.
Everything we manufacture derive ideas from other countries and one clear example is the Eye of Malaysia, which they wrote on the billboard Eye on Malaysia? Huh? Is that the only way they use to make themselves look different? By replacing "of" with "on" and hope everybody will think it's the original and another variation which you can find in Malaysia? Pleasee....Gimme a break.

We're always stuck in between. Monyet di hutan di kejar, tapi anak yang dikeondong tercicir (did i get that correct?) . People prefer going to Thailand because they are so authentic and unique. People go to Singapore because its clean, modern and also possesses what Malaysia has to offer ie the different races, Malaysian food such as roti canai and such, plus they have great seafood as well as frog dishes (yuck). People prefer going to India because they do not lose touch of their roots and authenticity. But we Malaysia can't seem to find a stand. We seem to be Jack of all trades and specialises in nothing great. We must find the quintessence of Malaysia and work on it.
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