Thats not a sigh of relief people, but thats a scream...
A scream of mortification. Is there such a word?
When i was in school, being emotionally, mentally, and physically tortured by teachers (esp emo queen stephanie who ruined my life), i dreaded going to school. Plus with heaps of homework and SPM pressure, didnt make me feel any more excited or welcomed in school.
If u were to give me a million dollars but with the condition that i go back to school to resit SPM or sit for STPM, i'll give u a big fat ass "HELL FUCKING NO WAY".
Thats how reluctant i am. Back in school, i dreamt of going to college instead of school. I dreamt of doing assignment with laptop instead of using pen and pencils.
But how wrong i was, and how tainted that imagination is. Because college life is me.
College life just baffles me. Probably you wouldnt know the reason why, but i'll lay everything nicely on the table, for u to gawk in horror.
On the day of the orientation (which starts at 8.30), i woke at 6 and left home around 7. HELP Coll is located at Bangsar, so i think i'll need an hour plus to reach there.
To my horror, i got lost. Im sick of getting lost. Whenever i go, i get lost. Not only i was lost, the traffic jam was so horrible till i had to scream, sing my lungs out and scream again till my ears got deaf just to release myself from the terrible AURA OF TRAFFIC JAM!
From klang, then i got to subang, then got to subang again, went out of subang, then i saw midvalley, then i got to bangsar, after that only i reached my college. I have to pass by everywhere to reach my college.
I reached my college around 9.05. Thank God Jay Yan was there, and helped me around. Or not, i'll get lost again. =.='
The "people" gave us some speech. Some were good, some were bad.
But i have to tell u guys about this one guy. More like an old man ok. He's 65 and i have no idea what his name is. He gave us a speech, and he said proudly " I congratulate all of you for making the decision to join Help coll for A-level".
"Not because you're in help, but its because u chose A-Level". He went on and on, and told us how much experienced he is in pre-u programmes and how he finds that A-level is the best programme and yada yada yada...
Wow...i was pretty much influenced and excited after his speech. Thinking that, wow, im doing A-levels u know and my future is gonna be bright and all.
After the speech we had ice-breaking session, which was lame. Dont want to explain much.
Subsequently, we had a tour around Help. I couldnt believe how punctured I was after a few walk around the bloke and under the blazing sun. I found out that, A-level department is in another building, and to get there i would have to take a bus there.
I was thinking , great! I have to get here by car and not forgetting the stressful journey, but when i reach here, i have to wait for a bus and reach that place by bus. Wahlau, so much of hassle just to reach a building wei!...
The tour was fine, but i was pretty much "pancit' after that u know. Out of energy. Loss of appetite and when i actually got my timetable and got my grouping, i have quite a hectic sechedule.
3 days a week, i would have to reach Help by 8, and on wednesday i have classes from 8 till 4, without any break because all of my four subs are on that day, starting with Law, then econ, then eng.lit then maths. If my LAN classes fall on Wednesday too, then i would have to stay from 8 am till 6 pm! Talk about torture...
Coincidentally, my mandarin class falls on that day too. If I've decided to take the mandarin class, then i would have to go to another class on the same day at 8pm till 9.30 pm. Thinking about this just made me feel so fatigue and tired on that day.
Should i drop law? I dont need law in the future, so should i drop one and focuse on the 3 subs like some of A-level students? Its less tiring, and its definitely less hectic. Probably, i could focus more and score better for the 3 sub. So how?
Not only that, the expenses in Help for a day is really high. Like on dat day, my parking fee came up to Rm13 ringgit and thats because I have not gotten the voucher yet. The toll would come up to around 7 ringgit, and food would come around 6 if i eat at mamak. If i were to go to Subway or what, then it would cost around Rm 10 a day? On that day itseld, i had to spend Rm50...Guess i'll have to pack my own sandwiches then..haih, talk about budgeting.
How can i survive?...Would i survive?
Before i forget to mention, i did make some acquintaces, but most of the girls that i talked with are so not my type. I mean not in the type for a lesbo partner but a sidekick in college. Most of them are so goody, and u know girly. I've not met anyone that is as whacky as i am, or as crazy as my friends. I think I wont have any college frens. Saddening...Most of the guys are like freaks. I wanna have another Yr in coll. Or probably aother Hakim or so to crack me up. If i cant get Chen Hou or other guys, Nee Keong will do. I want another Kah Mun, and Mich. Or probably another Leanne or Pooi Yee. But it would be called making new friends if i keep on expecting to have people like them to be my friends.
But much to this problems, im not trying to make myself feel any better. I may sound like im complaining, but i am not. I am just worried. Really really worried. Its not that i am ungrateful and i feel like my royal blood will fade due to this hard work, but everything seems so daunting rite now.
The question is, can i make it? should i drop a sub? Am i strong enough to take all this?
I take myself as a strong person, but im just really intimidated by all of this. Really I am..
Guess this programme is as a litmus test of my persistence and dilligence...and of course of how far can i carry myself without getting washed away by defeat.
When i got home, i messaged Imran and he made my day. Instead of calling me Baby, or sweetie like most guys, he calls me doll, and sometimes queen aka Rajay. When i told him of my "adventure", he said to gain something i would have to lose something. I should not stay pesimisstic (is that how u spell it?) as i am now, but i would have to be positve.
When i though that this guy is like any typical guy, he surprises when all the time. He steps up to the game everytime when i need him too. But let me assure u guys, that this is not love. Its just moral support...hehehe, love is a big word for me to attain and comprehend.
OWH YEAH! i met Fasha today...Giler stim. I was so shocked and flabbergasted.
I have a new blogger to introduce. She's not entirely new in the blog sphere, but she is kind off new to me. Means I just got to know of her existence................... only recently.
I am so sick of Xia Xue, the loud, foul mouthed, attention seeking blogger. She may be fun for a few days, but u'll get sick of her attitude some day. She comes off as someone who is obnoxious but i cant deny her creativity. However she thinks the world evolves around her.
Then there are other bloggers such as Kenny Sia and Dawn. These people are famous but they are just so OVERRATED! The word that comes out from my mouth after reading their blogs are "Gimme a break".
They write of nothing in their blog, but of toilet bowl humour esp for Kenny, while Dawn, just like Dawn itself, still make people lost in slumber.
Then there is the other blogger which makes me scream in agony, pain, hatred, and anger whenever i stop by her page. She is of course the infamous blogger, May Zhee. Who screams for attention with her child like tantrums, ranting, and over-the top usage of vocab, but who has no style of writting. Have u ever read her book? The is no style of writting at all. More like a kid's writting. She talks of nothing but herself and she post pictures of nothing but herself.
I've stopped reading her blog a long time ago, but somehow there is this twitch of curiousity in my head that makes me click on her link from mich's blog. Maybe just to see what she's up to now, and to see whether she has changed. But she's still the same child who thinks of nothing but herself and her cookie aka as Fatty.
I need to read some worldly issue, not some kid's blog whose world is infested with vanity.
Apart from that, there are other common blogs. Mich, i really like your blog though. I am an avid reader. N Jayne I read your blog too. But there are other "bloggers" too that i so dont wanna mention here. Im hated enough in this circle of people becoz of certain things i've done. But these bloggers have no imagination. Period.
They post pictures and tell the whole word what they have done on that day, with their so klang-ish English. Sometimes i feel like I'm killing my English by reading their post.
Not to be forgotten, i love Josh's blog too. He has style when he writes. It comes of as funny, light and just so Joshie. I love his reviews, as its so writer's like and it so can be trusted.
So I have a blogger to introduce since i've just acknowledged her existence. She is called as MayaKirana. She's in her 30's and she write about some "earthy" things u know. I call it earthy coz its so real and down to earth. Most bloggers reflect the image of metal in my head whenever i've read their blog, coz its so hard (hard in a sense that is so rigid and stupid in humour) and cold because they never set any warmth in my heart.
This blogger, she writes about food, her pets and some other simple stuff. She is a matured writer (duh!, she 33), who has a lovely style of writing which has some interesting vocab u could learn from. Unlike May Zhee's blog that has vocabs that are so rigid and out of this world which come off as "unuseful" to add into ur list of Vocab. I dunno why i abhor her so much. Maybe for pure evil!..hehe
Give her (her as in MayaKirana, not as in May Zhee) blog a try. It may not suit you, but it suits my line of thoughts and in search of simple writers. Her url is
She sounds familiar, but i cant make out who she is. So peeps, stop reading May Zhee's blog and some other stupid bloggers who write nothing of sex and sex and sex (because they think its so cool and it will excite some controversy thus will boost their popularity), but try to read hers.
P/s: Im not trying to imply that i am good writer by trying to make out other bloggers as no good or whatsoever. I just like to read blogs, because i have nothing to do when i go online. But these overrated bloggers are so killing me with stupid, and toilet-bowl standard of facts and humour.
Labels: bloggers
Im back, with nothing much on my mind actually. But i found out these interesting facts from my dad...and i find it funny and yet pretty true, even though how satirical it is...
Different people, with different culture and background has a different approach to buy vehicles , esp car.
According to my dad, whenever Chinese want to buy a car, they always takes account of the number of seats. The more seats, and the more people they can fit, then its a good deal. I found it to be quite true, esp to the economical kinds, because true to a Chinese nature, they like to save and to gain profit from whichever aspect as possible.
However, to Malays, they'll look into the engine and how fast can it go, because true to a Malay's nature, they like to waste time by racing and gain name and popularity through unnecessary and unprofitable activity, such as racing again and modifying their mobile. Lame...
Meanwhile to the Indians, none of the things above matter to them, not engine, the number of seats or the how efficient the signal works. The only thing that matters to them is the honk. The louder and clearer the honk is, the better it is. I found this to be true because while i was in India, the only thing that they use while driving on the road is the honk! The honk every 5 minutes! It drove us INSANE!
I hope you guys wouldn't take this seriously, its just a matter of satire and pure joke.
One more thing to add, it seems that I have to have my Lit paper rechecked for mistakes, because according to my Lit tutor, there must have been a mistakes, since all of her students got b4 and b3, and she's pretty pissed!...If i can get another A then my dream would come true..weee!
I'll create poems when my heart overflows with feelings. I may not be good at it, but it is something i have always been doing. I am not gonna tell whom I dedicate this poem to, but if you know me well, you'll know for whom it is for. If you don't, take it as a mystery. But for sure, it has nothing to do with people of the past, but mostly for the person that inhabits the present.
At night before I sleep,
I always wonder how would it feel,
to be beside you
where it is sacred and pure?
How would it feel to have your hands in mine?
how would it feel to have me in your arms
and to always be looking in each other's eyes?
How I sigh at the moment when I had you,
but I threw it all away easily.
When I sleep,
I dream of holding your hands and
witnessing its every crease and lines,
gazing at each and every fingers of yours with ease and calm,
to feel the heat of your palm against mine
and to reminisce how hard and masculine your hands felt
when I am away again.
When I wake up,
I daydream of having you wrapped in my arms,
with my head resting on your neck
breathing in every particle and whiff which i call 'you'.
I imagine my hands running through your hair,
feeling every strand of your fine hair slip through it.
Meanwhile during the evening,
I will make a prayer for god to grant me my wish,
a wish to be able to see you again
and have myself sink into your lovely warm brown eyes.
I know i will feel all reborn and special again
like you never fail to do so,
whenever you gaze at me lovingly with those blissful
eyes of yours.
I could only wish,and wish and wish,
to do all this things to you until,
the fateful day comes when i shall step onto the land
that you dwell on and call home.
The day shalt come, when I could
capture your beauty as well as your soul
and make them as my lullaby to my slumber,
as the cure to the pain of lonesome
that inhabit me on my most sleepless nights.
Labels: Dedication..
When the most reactive substance of metal comes across water, chemical reaction will take place, resulting in explosion, fire and smoke.
Thats what we are and that is what we get when we come together.
Sometimes, in a chemical reaction unpredictability comes forth, creating much surprise and exhilaration.
Thats what we get, when we come together.
Like acid and metal we are, totally two different substance, however when put together we unite and create MAYHEM AND CHAOS!
Thats who we are.
Thats me.


As i quote 'him' " there is never a day when I am with Zephyr, there will be no laughter or something to laugh about"
I replied "when you're with me, u'll do all the unthinkable."
He then said " No, no, no, only when we come together, we'll do the unthinkable."
Thats why i say, we're like two different substance, but when joined together, we create chemical reaction with disastrous effect.
It all started with one day (which was yesterday), during an evening, after filling up my precious bean bag (that took most of my stupid pocket money), i realised that i didnt have enough beads or beans, whatever it is called to fill up the bean bag and make it comfy.
So i messaged Yeong Ren in Msn saying that i should have bought 10 sets of beads instead of 5 when i was with him the day before in jusco.
So we were just talking and i was updating my blog, when i told him i want to get more beads soon. i asked wanna come?
He said he cant come, coz he has been going out too often. But then he said, he felt like reading magazines. So i told him, when im on the way to jusco i'll drop by ur house to pass u readers and times. He said ok and i got ready to go to jusco.
As i reached his shop to pass the mags, we talked and i played with Abi, until i asked him again, "u sure u wouldnt want to come? Just for awhile oni, to get the beads and we come back"
"I dont feel like working aso lah, so okaylah i follow u to jusco.
On the way to jusco itself i was feeling hungry and had a yearning for fish & chips. I knew this would never be a short outing.
I kept asking Yeong Ren, where to eat, where to eat and we eventually came up with an idea to eat at Tgif.
Mana tau when we got there, we put ourselves up to a challenge and the challenge was,
If either one of us cant finished up our meal, one of us would have to pay for the bill. Fuiyoo, that was when the excitement began.
First course: Appetizers.

Me: Mushrooms
Yeong Ren: Buffalow wings (i made him choose that because i know it is harder to finish, beside it was salty too).

Everything was fine, after finishing up the appetizers, we still felt hungry.
Then came the main course.
Me: Fish&chips
Yeong Ren: Pasta with sauteed fish.

This was when the real fun took place. I annoyed Yeong Ren like crazy! I tried to take his picture secretly, sweet mouthed him telling him that he was such a sweet boy and always a sweetie to me. Then i tried making him believe that the fish was too much for him and the cream sauce is really creamy. I even made puking sound to trigger his puking sensation. BUT TO NO AVAIL!
But i know he was really suffering. In the end he finished his food first. DAMN!
The best part was when, he was trying to eat the tomatoes. He hated tomato but part of the challenge was to finish everything there is on the plate.
I had fun screaming and wailing in laughter. That was a good moment to me, where even money cant buy! I even had him on cam eating the tomato and pulling a kawaii pose. He hated that post and really wanted to delete it.
I said, i would post it in friendster, blogger and show it to Mich and Pooi Yee but only with one condition, he would down a shot of vodka. It worked! i have been pestering him to shoot down vodka since the beginning but he was so reluctant. i was so happy! *evil grin*
Then came the,
FREAKING DESSERT! It was my turn to suffer.
Me: cheeseckae
Yeong Ren:Chocolate Malt cake.
I thought I was leading, but mana tau he finished first and i was left in misery behind his trail of dust!
The cheesecake was really treacherous. I swear i would never eat cheesecake for the next six month, or even at the whiff of it i would PUKE!
My eyes were all red and watery half way through the cheesecake. I really wanted to barf but i took it in.
Then came Yeong Ren the annoying beast. It was his turn to annoy me, saying the cheesecake was too cheesy, saying i was so sweet and thats why he likes to sit with me and even said "Eleh, u said when u eat, u really eat! what is this?". I was starting to get really pissed and nearly smacked his head but he was too far away and my hand cant reach his stupid big head.
It took me half and hour, i think to finish up the cheesecake. I took down the last cheesecake into my throat with much agony and fear. Fear that my throat would just reject everything and barf out on the table.

Then came the Vodka!....I love this part!

We downed the vodka with one shot and POOF! we were on LaLa land.
Yeong Ren's face was red, and I cant see properly. We cant even walk properly anymore, and before we knew it, we failed as a drinker. We totally failed and i quote Yeong Ren ;
"Those who drink everyday rite, FUCK THEM LAH"
I was just laughing and laughing away. We even went to Blook, in a high situation to try on shoes. The lady there told us, all the shoes there are out of stock, esp the ones in my size. Giler babi bohong ok? Probably because we went there at 9.30 where every shop has closed and only left them and with us trying to pester them for shoes!
Then came the moment, i dreaded for....Driving.
Everything was fine until i was at the toll, and i started straying from the normal toll to "touch and go" toll, when i dont even have a touch and go card. I cant believe it that i was seeing double vision! Yeong Ren takut edi!...hahaha
After that, i was looking for my wallet and Yeong Ren couldnt find it. I had the fright of my life when he said he really couldnt find it. I had to pull by the side of the road to find it. Mana tau it was just beside him. GILER POTONG STEAM OK?
After that, i was not high anymore, but more like annoyed.
When i reached home, i looked up to sky and guess what I saw? AN ORANGE MOON! i called Yeong Ren up and all he did was laugh and laugh and laugh. Giler kurang ajar...

See! i took in cam and its really orange ok?...
I could never believe that we could even stray from plan that much. So crazyyy...From the plan just to buy beans, we could go to Tgif and come back drunk. haih...
Labels: stim..
Like any other lazy blogger in the world...i shall just post pictures and captions to complete my part 2 of india!'s less time consuming for both the readers and the its a win win situation!
After i got back from Kashmir, we took a bus to Jaipur known as the Pink City. U wanna know why its called the Pink City? coz every building in that town is in PINK! I think May Zhee would love that city since its pink, so i suggest she should live in Jaipur and marries a retarded Indian and have psycho semi white semi black children. MUAHAHAHAHA I'm feeling very evil today.
I visited a place called The Amber fort. A fort is basically a building used for defence. In that fort, the king lives there. It's ok, but not so much of fun so here are the PICTURES!
The garden in the palace....
The people there are poor until she asked me for money after taking her pic. I like her in this pic. It looks magical but scary at the same time.
Then, the last day in Jaipur we visited the sundials museum! So far in Jaipur, that was my most favourite place, coz everything was intriguing there. They taught us how to look at the time old fashion way, using SHADOWS! haha and of boy the clock was huge! The biggest in the world too one of them.
This is the biggest sundial in the world. Stands at 70 feet from the ground, and has the accuracy of two seconds. That means the shadows on the sundial moves every two second to show the time. I think the person standing there is Kah Mun's uncle! Demonstrating the clock!
hese are the 12 percussion used to look at the stars of the zodiacs. Each at the top has different angles to suit the latitude of Jaipur and the stars on the sky. Complicating i say.
In that museum, they even have percussion to look at the stars of the zodiacs. In this pic, im sitting on the percussion used to look at the cancer stars. Mine is the only one that is straight on the top, and i forgot the reason why.After Jaipur we took a bus again to Agra! Agra has something special because, it has TAJ MAHAL! But we wont go there just yet.
The first day we got to Agra we visited a mosque, but for goodness sake, i forgot what its called. Wait i know it now, its called Fatehphur Sikri and it was built by one of the Mughol king called Akhbar. Akhbar (muslim), married a Hindu, Christian and a Muslim. Somehow, all of the wives couldnt repocreate, so he prayed hard to god for a child and he had a son called Jahangir.
He built these monument for his son. It was even said that, if u throw flowers on his tomb, tie a ribbon on the gate and make a wish it would 100% come true. Unbelievable...
On the ground are tombs. Take a close look and u will see the tombs. Kah Mun and I just stepped and crossed over it like nobody's business. It was because we dont expect tombs to be that out in the open.
Look at my tummy! Gosh!Here is the good part, the next day we went to Taj Mahal! The Taj Mahal is just so breath taking!..Everything is made out of white marble, and every carving or every designs on the wall were made out of semi precious stones. Nothing less, but could be more, possibly some out of gold and diamond.
As i mentioned above, those carvings above that covers most part of Taj Mahal, were made out of Rubies and other semi precious stones.
Here is an interesting fact, everyone in that pic, either married but cant have kids, or still single and doesn't have kids. Im growing sceptical of my grammar. Is that 'either or' sentence right? But nevertheless, the ladies there are such sweet people. The love having Kah Mun and i around! It was like we're thier sisters or kids...
I cant help but mention, i look small beside him! hahahah...The day after, we made our journey to Delhi for shopping and sight seeing. We went to alot of monuments, temple and mosque. Too many to put it up here...but i'll just post it...
One thing i like about India is, they are very passionate about cricket. Doesnt matter in every part of India, wether Kashmir, Jaipur, Agra or Delhi, whenever there is a vacant field or spot, they'll take our thier balls and bats, gather around and play CRICKET! This was after sembahyang jumat in Delhi..
This is the Jamma mosque, we had lots of complication to get there. We got there by india tut tut...its was fun and wild.
On that day itself, after looking at the mosque we had quick shopping, headed for dinner, then to airport and reached Malaysia the next day at 12pm...*sobs*
I am India bound.
I am back! After 2 weeks!....
Im sure all of u want to know about my vacation in India, but im not going to tell u about every places that i've been and its history. its too boring, but i'll tell u the highlights (highlights for me lah) in India.
India to me stands for intricate, nostalgic, and different. Some who have been there, cant wait to get back home, meanwhile some would want to prolong their stay in India.
When u hear the word India, the words you come across in your mind would be dirty, people whom u cant trust and dangerous. India has some part of that, but if you were to compare India in all that sense, you would not be able to capture its essence and beauty.
India is just unpredictable. Thats the word for it.
But the highlight for me in India is Kashmir. I've always read about Kashmir, and how nostalgic it is. Every word that I've read in that book is true.
The people are so friendly and most of them are Muslims. So when they heard that I am Muslim, they were so delighted. The people are very good natured, easy to approach and mainly HILARIOUS. The way they approach to sell things to you and they words that they say are hilarious. To me of course.

The guy on the furthest left corner in called Jon Muhammad if I'm not mistaken. He is hilarious. He got excited too when i told him I am a Muslim. He sold me lots of accessories.
The first thing that came to my mind when i reached Kashmir was Switzerland. It's like the Switzerland of the east, with its beautiful lakes, mountains, snow and surroundings. But somehow to me, Kashmir is more exotic and rare compared to Swiss, so swiss could never come close to Kashmir as its richer in history and more genuine. The pic below shows the houseboat thats scatters on Dal-Lake. Houseboats are decorated home-like and it floats on the water. On each houseboat, there would be some sort called "butlers" who would cater to your needs and provide great hospitality.

The caretakers that I've met are so warm of people. Before i forget, i have to say something else too. Kashmir is blessed with the handsomest people. The guys are gorgeous! They are all blessed with big brown eyes with lashes that could melt any foreign heart. Their eyebrows are lustrous but neatly arranged. Noses that are so high and straight along with a smile that are so pearly white but natural. Even the guys who clean the toilet or clean drains are so good looking that you could overlook all thier flaws. I am dead serious.
I've been to Saudi Arabia and no guy could come close to how good looking these people are. I've been to Europe and none attracts my attention. These people have all the heavenly features. Besides they are so fair and have pink cheeks. Can u imagine it? When i was in Kashmir it was like, GUYS HEAVEN THERE FOR ME! That is what i call, cuci mata!
Kashmir has the beauty of mother nature and of course of its people. I, as a Cancerian, have eyes and a weak spot for Beauty. Kashmir, serves its purpose as a Paradise. I've fallen in love with Kashmir for every reason. If i were to talk about every goodness of that place, i wouldn't stop, because everything about Kashmir is captivating.

This is the view from my houseboat early in the morning. Behind, are the mountains of Gulmarg and on the lake are the houseboats and gondolas that serves the purpose as water taxies.
In Kashmir or as i call it Paradise, I've been to only its gardens, shopping areas, mountains and creeks. The second day, we went to Gulmarg. It's 2 hours away by taxi, from Srinagar (the capital of Kashmir and also the place where we stay). It's a place for skiing and other snow activities. It is so beautiful from afar, as the mountains are covered with sheets of snow.
When we actually got up on Gulmarg, it was farking cold. As i quote Kah Mun " Now u know why i hate winter, it so bloody cold".We even had a ride on its Cable car which were powered only by generators because the electricity got cut off during that time. So it was as slow as a snail, and sometimes on the journey, the cable car would stop half-way hanging in the middle of the cliff. Scary wei..and sometimes it would sway from left to right. *shudders*

When we got up on the other end, it got even colder and i don't know why. Guess coz its higher in altitude i guess. However, we got to stay only for five minutes after that.

Thats the pic of me. Was freezing that time.
By later afternoon, we made our journey back to Srinagar to the wings of comfort in the humble houseboat.
The day after, we made our journey to Pahalgum. I was not comfortable at the thought of that bcoz it's quite dangerous in Pahalgum as it is near to the border of Pakistan and a lot of war had erupted in that area. On the way there too, there were lots of soldiers and army on the field and roads. It was pretty scary, but once I've gotten to Pahalgum, it was nothing scary actually. That place is popular because of its river. On every spring the people there would go for trout fishing.

In that place, i went for horse back riding and sight seeing. It was so beautiful that i made a vow to myself that i would have to come back to Kashmir and Pahalgum again. I fell in love with the creek and imagined myself fishing there
I took some pics but the pic did no justice to that place. It is 10 times much vibrant and beautiful than the pic.

I was so disappointed as i couldn't capture its true beauty in photograph. Even in winter, Paradise is already beautiful, but imagine it in summer with flowers blossoming everywhere, with patches of green prairies and lush maple trees everywhere. Apples tress are planted everywhere, i just wish i could see it lush with green leaves and sweet red apples during the summer.
I just hope i could come to the Mughal garden during the summer for picnics and i could watch the sunset in Dal lake during the dusk. I just wish i could capture its beauty again without having time creeping up on my mind and without having to think about life again.
If i were to be given a choice to either live in a city or a country side forever, i would choose country side, but only if it were Kashmir and not anywhere else.
That is how nostalgic Paradise is to me.
Besides the place, the people give me some kind of excitement too. When i came back to the houseboat i have a hottie to watch. When i am on the road, i have other hotties to look out for too. While with the tour , i have the cute tour guide to look at too. These people gave me the rush.
There is this one caretaker in my houseboat and he is called Imran. He's 22 and still studying. During winter, he has winter break therefore he comes to his uncle's houseboat for a part time job. I didn't dare to talk to him on the first day but i did try talking to him on the second day. After the first time we chatted, we chatted till midnight. He told me he loves photography and showed me all the beautiful pictures he took in Kashmir. He's fluent in 4 languages, esp in
Urdu and he read lots of book about Kashmir. Therefore he can tell me lots of things about Kashmir. He's just a gentle guy with a sweet temper to match.

Thats is his picture. He's not photogenic and it's such a shame coz Kah Mun and i agree that he is so much better looking live. hehehe
When we parted, we exchanged numbers, and u know what? He just called me just now from Kashmir. He really made my day...He sets me out in cloud nine. haih..It might be love...ehehe
Then there is Amin. He's not good looking but he's rich in height. He's tall but has a brain of a caveman. Pretty silly at times but he's a playful guy. Imran always call him Aminah and he always react to it. Since the second day, everybody started calling him Aminah. He's 20 and engaged. He is getting married soon in July! 4th of July to be exact!...hehe He calls Imran Ema sometimes and they are used to it. Such a wierd couple.

That is him with me...
Then there is this other guy on the tour with me. He's the tour guide. He's 19 and like Imran he is also having winter break. He has a smile of K-fed , which is a sharp smile. Overall, he is so good looking until he knows that himself. We exchanged details and his e-mail is vain rite? But he's nice...not very good in English though but he's just so hot that i feel like taking him home with me. i cant keep my eyes off him. I took his pic secretly for the pleasures of my hungry eyes.

Thats him in the middle...looking blur! it was so hard to make him smile!
Again in pics, Kashmirians are not photogenic. I have no idea why but i guess thats a gift. You cant truly appreciate their beauty until u r near to them. I guess its about every little details on their faces that make them so good looking. Again, with their thick eyelashes and beautiful brown eyes. Their straight nose and lovely pearly smile.....haih...I'm melting now...
Then then, there is this one guy i met in a shop. I don't know how old is he, but he speaks with his beautiful eyes. I can still remember the curve of his eyes and the shade of his eyes, because it was only his eyes that spoke to me.
He is tall and has center parting soft hair. Haih..he's damn cute too lah...
I was buying an ashtray and he was quite shocked to see me buying ashtrays as girls don't smoke in Kashmir. He stood next to me and asked do i smoke. So i said no i dont, but its for my sister. And he kept on talking to me and while talking, he never took his eyes away from my eyes. He did not break the eye contact at all, and oh my, how mesmerized i was by his eyes. His eyes are so warm and how i wish i could lay my eyes again on those eyes. He's really fine and he knows how to talk to a girl without looking at anywhere else, u know what i mean by anywhere else. Some guys when they talk, they look at your boobs, but the guys there are so respectful.
For example, i was talking to Imran, and he was showing me pictures from his hand phone. We had to sit quite near, but he tried his best not to make contact. Besides, all the guys there do all the labour work, meanwhile woman stay at home and become housewives. Women do work, but only in offices. Its quite different in Delhi, even women do labour work there. I find everything seems to be traditional there, but everybody is entitled and treated with equal rights. Even the females. So i am quite glad.
Besides they have lots of stray dogs there, and something came as comforting to me eventhough Kashmirians are mostly Muslims, they never hurt the dogs. They just let them be. Unlike so called Muslims in Malaysia and Indonesians who claim themselves to be religious but kill dogs mercilessly.
I too asked Imran about Gays. He said they are quite many gays there, but they looked at it in the sense that they are good friends. They never make noise about it as they don't like to stir fights and chaos. Besides that, most of the army forces in Kashmir are Indians. None of the Kashmirians volunteered to be soldiers as they hate and try to avoid fights as much as possible. One more point to add is, Kashmirians do not like to be called Indians as they are two different people. Thats why they have thier own language which is called Kashmiri.
Then there is another tour guide in Delhi who comes from Kashmir. He's name Latif and quite old. He ages around 33. He lacks height of course, but he's good looking. U cant see it in pics, but he has nice round eyes, that is light brown in colour. He has a nice smile and every time he laughs he always has his tongue behind his teeth, smiling like a small kid. Besides he is gifted with strong muscular arms and i could see those muscles clearly when it moves. I think any sex addict like Xia Xue could imagine herself being swept away by his strong arms and broad chest. Haih.....But mind u he is so not good looking in pics. Kashmirians are like that i guess...
And, he has my same birth date. He was born on the 20th of July!...horray!..i had to go all the way to India to find someone who has the same birth date as me!.....

See! we are even doing the same thing without even realizing it! tsk cancerians are so alike!
Thats the end of my post on India part 1. to be continued..
Labels: vacation
The Sweetest thing just happened.....
Im in dreamy land...
A friend of my mine just call...