This is by far the most satisfying quiz I've ever done. It's unique, it's different and it's not only pleasant, but sparks creativity when you look at it. This quiz is done by selecting a picture that suits your preference in account of the questions (is my sentence rite? it sounds wrong, heck). I just adore the photography. Every part of it ranging for the colours (they are bright and happy), the angles and it truly reflects the mood of the picture.Apart from that, I really like this quiz because it evaluates your subconscious trough the pictures that you choose and somehow it's like a psychological test . Thanx Joshie for posting this up in your blog, I love it. I am the Queen of all quizzes and The Queen says, do this test or u will face exile! Run along now!
I've never liked Malay movies, wanna know why? They lack substance. Cicak man, Kl menjerit, so on and so forth. There was an era where there were hypes for low budget movies too, like Mat Jutawan or I guess it goes something like that. Those movies were favourites mainly because its stupid, hilarious(to those certain "audience" anyways) and definitely its a big favourite among the directors too coz firstly its cheap and takes up less time to produce and the output triples or should I say so much satisfying compared to high budget movies.
Once you've taken literature, or more exposed to Arts, or just much into Arts, pretty much everything change before your eyes. Movies that seemed to be light now seems much heavier in meanings, makes you gawk in awe and leave you so much to ponder about. However, certain movies could just turn you off because it insults your intelligence and disturbs your sensitivity because of how cheapskate they are and it leaves you wondering how could they downgrade themselves and the society by producing such low quality movies.
I say downgrading because if you could compromise on quality just to earn big bucks and make the people love it, it shows how shallow and similar you are to other "buaya and cicak kobeng" out there. Secondly, when the society could degrade their standard to watch such low-class of production it shows just how oblivion our society is.
Get it?
However there are other brilliant Malaysia directors out there such as Yasmin the story teller(is that her name?) and so on and so forth (im sorry but i just cant remember directors names). But, i do remember movies okey?
I find Puteri Gunung Ledang to be quite moving and spectacular for a Malaysian standard. Grand setting, moderate acting skills, but still its high in quality (of course! it is because it took 2 mil to produce it). Then there is Sepet, and other production of Yasmin Ahmad (is that her real name?)

Last but not least my current favourite Malay movie is Cinta. Full with meanings, artistic values, and a true reflection of the City Kuala Lumpur and the people that inhabit it. Not to be forgotten I just love how they potray Love in the movie.
Love is subjective and the movie potrays Love in many angles. Apart of Love being the theme, i feel like infidelity and loyalty is the major ones too. Before getting into the theme, I'll just start off with certain aspects of the movie that I find interesting.
In the movie, everybody is in pursuit of love and happiness. Isnt that the element everybody is looking for? However it compromises different kind of stories, potraying different kind of love and different kind pursuits. What I find interesting is this, even though every story is different but they unite through the settings. I find that the director did a good job with how these different characters look at each other as ordinary strangers but they meet coincidentally in one setting.The sharing of settings to me symbolises the bond that they share in pursuit of Love.
Secondly, how each story has it own irony. Its pretty hard to explain, but each character that evolve around the play oppose each other. For example, Dian a successful architect is single and rich, but she is in love with a married man. She said not everybody finds a married life ideal opposing to her friend who is married with a kid. Meanwhile her friend whats-his-face, sorry i can remember his name but lets call him Y, thought he was happy until his wife left him for another man who thinks love is the thing that must give her constant happiness and by leaving her sweet husband for another man will just give her that. These kind of women make me feel angry, they think love is like a fairy tale. Back to the point, I feel like these two characters meaning Y and Dian are totally different but a perfect jigsaw puzzle. If they were to come together, everything that they want and need will be fulfilled. But as what malays like to say "takde jodoh, jadi nak buat macam man?"
Then there is Dhani, the younger brother to Dian who in opposed of Dian's life, live with a meager income as a street artist, drawing potraits of random people on the street. They are in constant fights because Dian thinks he could be much happier if he were to sell his paintings and have them up in galleries. However Dhani thinks he is so much happier living his life as the way he wants it instead of living like his sister, who is a big shot architect but couldn't find true love and lives miserably.
To me this two instances show how perfectly opposite these people are but their attributes compliment each other IF only they were to put aside their differences and unite. To me its ironic and confusing. Its like everybody is living in one vicious cycle of love, where one need the other but the other is in pursuit of another, and the third party is in pursuit of another, and everybody is in the race but they dont realise is that what they need is already in front of them.
That was what Dian said to her brother, everybody is in pursuit of something uncertain until they forget to celebrate the things that they already have.
Writing this thing out is really confusing me more. But this movie is highly recommendable if you are to watch something simple, sweet yet eye tearing (is there such a word?). I love the settings, it shows the true side of Kl and its people. Its hubbub and also the kampung side of KL where nobody gets to see. I love the trains especially and it has more depth to it when a character (Taufik) who lives by the rail said, "All the windows and doors are open, if u were to scream everybody would hear and then rescue you. But the only time when they cant is when the train passes by and everything that is said between us is just meant between us". awww sweet rite?
I found my ideal and perfect husband to be in that movie too. I told myself I wont get married unless i find a man who knows what i need and who respect me as a woman, and by getting entangled to him I wont lose my rights as a woman. I am a feminist and feminist just detest marriages. The character that goes by the name Taufik is a gem for every ladies and if there is such a man like that, do ring me okay? He's not a man of many words, but his action speaks louder than his few spoken words. He understands what you need and would go to that length to provide you with the things that you need without flaunting it or say "hey i got these things for u ok, i worked hard for it so i hope you u would appreciate it and not belittle my effort".
Besides he's the man that would do all the small gestures but full with sincerity. I just adore small gestures. I hate men who display their love through grand dinners and big diamond rings. It doesnt work that way with me honey. Anyways, enough of my rambling. Go to the nearest Cd store and get one of em Cinta cds ok? Probably you would like it as much as I do, and gawk at the sweetness that Taufik possesses.
This is the thing I don't get about myself whenever i log into Friendster. The deal is this, I've realised that Friendstar doesn't play any significant part in my life, neither do i get messages, testimonials or whatsoever that often, however I always find myself in Friendster checking empty inbox and looking at random pictures eventhough how much i try to resist it.
Why do I have this syndrome? I feel like I am being shallow and useless checking this Friendster thingy just because I used to do it and Friendster is a trend. Just because everyone is doing it, I am doing it too. =.=
I feel like im insulting my intelligence. Hehehe not to that extreme lah actually but I do have those thoughts sometimes.
So can someone suggest some ways for me to break this addiction or this "wanna-keep-up-with-the social-flow" thingy, or suggest some things about Friendster that will make me look at it in a different angle and thus wont make me feel so stupid whenever i log in. Duh!
I am very sorry for the late update. Heck, why should I even be sorry (mind you I am not a apologetic person) when I dont update my blog. Probably I feel out of tune with the blogsphere and whenever you take the effort to drop by my page and there is nothing new on the screen. Probably thats why i should be sorry, basically the reason is for causing you boredom whenever you come by my page. Enough of tattling because I have more nonsensical issue to tackle...Heh
Basically, its just this matter of vanity that took root in my head for the couple of hours. This issue of vanity had actually been constant in my mind since god gave me hormones and decided to activate it and give me pimples. Its called puberty. When we get puberty the outcome would be VANITY! WE GET VAIN IN ORDER TO ATTRACT THE OPPOSITE SEX (could be same sex too) and re procreate. Sometime I just feel like we are a bunch of wild animals and our world is like the vast flourishing (sometimes dry) African land, and we are the habitants (animals).
When we were young it reminds me of the baby elephants that frolic around with its peers as well as the elder generation of elephants. They are happy, optimistic, and carefree. Flinging its trunk high up in the air and canter(so not suitable for elephants, but im short of vocabs) around the muddy river soil.
When we get older, we become somehow like the peacocks. We get VAIN! We proudly show our best "assets", or groom ourselves and eccentuate our "assets". From this, we are actually applying the survival technique into our life which is, "TO MAKE THE BEST OF EVERYTHING THAT WE HAVE" and flaunt the result. Im sorry for crapping, but I have been keeping this for too long.
Some of us could be just like crows. Black and just as dull. Instead of accentuating our black feathers by making it look "clean and shiny", we tend to just let it have germs, and pieces of rice and meat on our fur. Right now I feel just like a crow thanx to YEONG REN!

Thanx to this guy, he made me realise something that I refuse to acknowledge. He told me a friend of his dropped by his house and went through all the files in his computer. Being the pervert that Yeong Ren is, he stole some of my pictures. His friend saw one of my picture and exclaimed
"Wah who is this chick, so pretty wan".
Yeong Ren unspiritedly replied, "Its Zephyr lah!"
"Really? She looks so different now compared to the Zephyr that i saw yesterday and the one in this pic. This one looks prettier" the other guy said.
After hearing that remark, he forced me to admit to the recurring thoughts about myself being no longer as attractive as I was and Im losing my sense of "attraction" (then what about the guy who pointed to my boobs and thought out loud that it was C-cup?).
I've always had this thought about myself lately, but I always brush it off. How much as I want to run away from it, it is still a FACT. I have
1)Gained massive lots of weight.
2) Uncontrollable Hair.
3)Lost the radiance. (i think so lah)
Dont believe me? Just compare!

This one is the picture that the guy saw.

The other day when his friend saw me, I was similar to this pic. Except that my hair was all tied to the back.
Yeong Ren even said that when I was in Mich's house sitting among the aunties, I LOOK LIKE ONE OF THEM!
Thats why I say I feel like a crow. I may have gained lots of weight and my hair defies gravity, however I still could "clean the feathers and make it shiny". Get my drift? I could at least tame my hair by doing something with it. Secondly i could try exercising after months of not breaking a sweat. But i refuse to! I just let the "germs, garbage, and pieces of rice and meats s get stuck in my feathers".
Haih...I am just so clueless. Should I stay being contented with the person that I am today, or should I be the person that I was? Past and current. Which one should I pick?
P/s: Thanx Yeong Ren for lifting off the weight from my shoulders. You're a Gem!

Do you think I can go back and look like that again?...Haih even I am doubtful of myself. Maybe this is a transitional period before I blossom into a swan again. Pfft...gimme a break.
note: This is post is not meant to gather sympathies nor reassurance that I am still as attractive, but to KILL YEONG REN WITH GUILT! so that you wont mess with my mind again! MUAHAHAH
I can't help but to blog about what i've just read. It is simply unbelievable.
I was browing Msn and something caught my eyes. One of the article of the day was, Ten food Tough to Digest. Anything relevant and related to food will definitely ring off the alarm as i call myself the "food connoisseur" (self-proclaimed lah). However, the "food connoisseur" had the shock of her life when she found out that everything that she eats on daily basis, or her most favourite things to eat are "TOUGH TO DIGEST"! =.='
The first one they published was, fried chicken nuggets. Well its pretty logical why it is hard o digest, due to the oil which will upset most sensitive bowels.
However, i was pretty shocked to find spicy food, cabbage/broccoli, chocolate, mash potato, ice-cream, citric drinks, and onions are a task for my tummy to digest.
First of all, i need to have spicy food on my plate everyday. Secondly, cabbage and broccoli are my most favourite veges of all. Thirdly, whenever i go out to western restaurants i must have mash potatoes, and as a drink i must have ice lemon tea, or "Ais Limau satu, boss" (mamak it means).
Lastly, onions are my all time fav. Everything that is cooked with onion will always turn out savoury. I do like ice-cream, but im not their biggest fan.
Some of the food on the list, are beans and sugar free gums. I hate beans, so it doesnt matter. But they said, sugar free products are not really healthy. I down diet cola everyday.
So I am just wondering, is it me who have strong resistance to this foods and thats why Im not facing any difficulties to devour these favourite foods of mine, or am i killing my bowel day by day by forcing them to churn foods that are a nemesis to them?
Is that the reason why I make brown "babies" minimum once a day and maximum thrice a day? And is it the reason why the scale never move the left despite scaling 8 floor of stairs everyday?
You make the bet, I am just flabbergasted by my own petty discovery. Heh..
Something rather interesting happened to me today. I had hunches during class telling me that I was gonna get parking tickets because just as i left my car and walked up to college, i saw an army or parking ticket officer (whatever u call it). I had a feeling i was gonna get one of their gift as i parked illegally, but i parked my car really far. So I had to walk for quite a long distance.
Just forget about that and let me tell you about what i wore today. I woke a tank top with a low square neckline that shows cleavage. To maximize my bosom, i wore a padded bra today (unpurposely ok? I was late to class and that was the easiest bra to grab) . Moreover, my skirt was really loose and it kept on dropping down and baring my undies.Jadi, saya pun kena slalu tarik itu baju turun lah, supaya saya appear decent. This resulted in the showing of more cleavage. I thot everything was fine and i didnt look too indecent. Howeve i was wrong.
While i was walking back to my car, i passed by a chinese guy who was sitting on his motorbike and conversing loudly on the phone. I walked pass him without sparing any attention on him. But as i was reaching my car, i saw him again on in his motorbike. He stopped at the side of the road to continue talking on the phone. As i passed by him again, he put down his phone and conversed to me in Malay,
"Eh, lu tau tak mana itu skolah?"
"Skolah apa" i asked him back.
"U malayu ka?".
I nodded my head.
"Owh, lu tau tak itu skolah primary?" he asked me again.
"Owh saya bukan dari sini, jadi saya tak tau pasal skolah kat sini lah"
As i was about to make a step, when he called out to me again. When i turned around I saw his fingers pointing at my boobs and asked
"Itu, itu itu bra, SIZE C AH????"
I couldnt believe m ears when i heard him. I was flabbergasted and frighten of this perverted man and i couldn help but answer
"Mana ada lah, ini bukan size C lah!!!!!!"
"Owh yea kah, tapi kenapa manyak besar sangat"????
How dare he asked me such questions and i never knew such man existed! Wahlau...i thought.
I thought Malaysians males are civilized enough to handle a little "cleavage action", manatau I was wrong. I guess i put too much esteem and confidence into Malaysia men. They are afterall as uncivillised as a *tooot*!!!!
So, for u guys out there who were puzzled by my description of my undergarment and over emphasized on my clothing, now u know why. To create a clear picture for you people to understand!!
I guess i know now why i had hunches during classes, to warn me of a remark i was going to get regarding my bosom. Stupid unreliable hunches!
and oh oh oh! i saw my muscle man! u guys out there must be really clueless about my muscle man. But it seems that in the main, there is this one muscular guy, fair skinned and quite an eye candy. Plus he wore pink today and looked more like a real live walking candy. I love guys who wear pink, because it looks so good on them. Esp fair skinned guys.
He was walking opposite me and the first thing that caught my eyes were his muscles and when i looked up to his face, i realised it was my MUSCLE MAIN! I heard firecrackers exploding wildly in my head along with a siren sound! Its him, its him I thought.
I turned around to look at Sarah, and she knew what i was thinking about. Everything went by so fast!
When i went to a restaurant to eat, he was there too! NEEE NOOO NEEEE NOOOO NEEE NOOO my alarm went off again. As much I want to talk to him and ask his name, i was too shy. I am a Cancerian so i cant help but get shy around the person that im obsessed with ok???!!
To all of u who have been with me in Acmar, this is the same obsession that i had with Eric last time. Hahahahah but even much worse ok? Does it ring any alarm now??
But its wierd that my "cleavage action" did not divert his attention towards my way!!! Hmmpphh, im attracting all the wrong attraction!
Does the word Bollywood ever trigger any reaction in you?
For some Malays (mind you kampung ones) will squeal in delight and babble and tattle about their favourite actress or actor.
To the Chinese, they will say "okaylah, nothing special. Just like Hollywood but its dominated by indians and of course a lil nonsensical coz its full of singing and dancing"
To my family, they will squirm in disgust at the though of watching a Bollywood movie, especially my mum. Whenever she catches me from watching a bollywood movie, she will say, after the movie, my IQ will decrease 30% from my current intelligence.
When i think of bollywood i think of "HRITIK ROSHAN".
A man with light green eyes that just melt my heart instantly. Sex appeal that never fail to turn me on and get my mind racing. U know what i mean ; )
When i think of Bollywood, i think of dances, colourful clothing, and some stupidity that could never fail to make me laugh (laugh in the sense how much they are faking their acting and how silly they are when they dance around the trees as well as rolling down from one bukit then from another bukit).
When i think of Bollywood i think about my Kashmiri fling, or crush or bf (watever you call it) and how much Bollywood relates to him until to a certain extent where i think by watching a Bollywood movie, I am relating and bonding with him as well as his "social background". Shallow i know. Lame I am certain.
However obsess I am, wait a minute, i don't think Im obsessed buti have a lil inclination to be a Bollywood fan(but not an ardent one), I could stay oblivious to the Zee Cine award held at Genting Highland last Sunday. I was fuming in anger when i read the newspaper and learned that Hritik Roshan was there. I got even angrier when realized that I missed out my one and only opportunity to meet the man in flesh, see him dance and flex his glorious muscles whenever he moves. Did i tell u i have a muscle fetish?
I was screaming to my sister why i was not made known of this festive award, and how a bollywood "fan" like me could be oblivious to such a thing. It was on Genting dei, how could i not know?
The reason lies on the lack of watching tv and commercials. Haih, so cavewoman lah me. Earth to cavewoman!
There were other actors and actresses there too such as Aishawarya Rai and Shah Rukh Khan. They all perfomed and i miss out the opportunity to see the king and queen of bollywood perform. I missed the grand spectacle! Im still fuming at that thought. Haih, i hope i could still see them, wait scratch that, i wish i could still see Hritik Roshan and invite him to experience a luxurious bed lust (got that from Shakespeare), eventhough he has a wife (who is rich by the way) and a son who goes by the name of my brother. Ironic.
I should learn by now that the past is the past, time and tide waits for no man, and i already have a Kashmirian fling/bf/watever u call it.BUT i missed out the chance to watch the sex god himself when he was so near to me, and i failed at the only chance given to me to understand and relate to my kashmiri "social background". I failed him by not making an effort to learn his culture, even more so of his country and also his personal favourite entertainment industry. Dramatic rite?
This is what you get when you mix a gullible girl with a foreign boyfriend. A totally new change of interest/obsession in her.
P/S: Surprisingly, i still don't know how should i classify my Kashmiri sweetie and what should i make of him. (This is what i call lust!). He called me yesterday too, and thats a great effort for me, since we have not talked for 2 weeks? So sweet of him.

Just look at those biceps and that sweet sweet smile of his. That is Hrithik Roshan.

Look and get lost into his deep eyes. So beautiful.
Hey guys, im back after a week, but still as blank as the week before. I had lots of idea what to blog about last week, but it kinda slipped off my mind bit by bit. I wont blog about how my college went last week without pics, so i kinda like have nothing to blog about untill next week?haha
Dun play play ok, zeph is getting serious and a tab bit organized? I can see most of u r gasping in horror at that thought, but i am getting a lil bit organized from day to day. Well my resolution is to be organized this year, so shall it be!
Just wait up for me till next next week, and i'll update you guys about my college life, my new friends (dun jealous jealous) , and my studies and some of my love life *wink wink* (like my love life is anticipated by everybody).
I'll see you guys next week! Bye~!
p/s: i have Much Ado About Nothing to read by Tuesday.